help with one of my first grows 2 cfl's and 1 led


New Member
ill start with hello im chris and this is one of my first fully solo grows and im experimenting with lights now i have had to put them in bud cycle as in a month and a half partners very straight family is staying for a few weeks so i am hoping i can have them fully budded by the time they come here
ok im using slow release nutrients and a dirt grow media
what im wanting to ask is their any thoughts on how to improve my grow from what its currently at its about to be 3 led's and 2 cfl's once all my things come in the post (week or 2 away)
any better supplements i can use to get bigger heads faster growth etc
also im on a really tight budget so please bare that in mind
i also grow for medical use no selling as i don't want to break the law to much been in a car accident that i was lucky as hell to live through so more pain relief and help with insomnia and help with my mood

a vid i did of the grow


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU Chris

so the first thing that jumps out at me is it sounds like you'll be about six/seven weeks into flower when your company arrives for a few weeks which sounds like you'll be looking at company when the plants are their stinkiest and possibly when you'll need to harvest which is also a stinky time. i would have kept them in veg for a bit longer instead. you are planning on flowering in that size pot? how many are in there?


New Member
o sorry its still 10 or 11 weeks till they get here about the end of november and their is 6 plants but i can grab a larger container if i get any signs of the roots getting to dense in the pot they are in
also sorry about how long its taken me to reply i haven't been home much over last bit and when i have its been for a shower and heading out again