Help with Lights please!


im planning on buying the 400w HID lgihting system from htgsupply.... will the 400w HPS be able to cover and take care of the 5 cheese in 3 gallon buckets each? if not what other lgihts should i purchase, and how many fans will i need to keep the place in good health? good lookin out guys :leaf:


and i am goin to get CFL 23w 2700k for the autoflowers i have 8 of them how many CFL's should i buy to cover the autoflowers in 2 gallons buckets a piece


im planning on buying the 400w HID lgihting system from htgsupply.... will the 400w HPS be able to cover and take care of the 5 cheese in 3 gallon buckets each? if not what other lgihts should i purchase, and how many fans will i need to keep the place in good health? good lookin out guys :leaf:
Are your seeds already sprouted? If not try doing like 2 blue cheese and 3 autos at first to get a grow under your belt. Autos are going to grow regardless of the light regimen and both 20/4 and 18/6 are good schedules. To answer your question I would still put at least 3 CFL's per auto in 2 gal buckets. I just really think you should part it out and gain some experience the last thing you want to do is go for the gusto and fuck shit up then your left with out shit. Been there done that and trust nothing will piss you off more.

You can put t5's as close as 4-6 inches from your plants with out harm!! btw


:leaf:haha yea your right i should do that. good looks papasmurf. and i jus started germination today for 3 blue cheese...going out saturady to buy lgihts and trying to figure out how many lights i will need if im gettin 600w or 400w HID system with some box fans. also what should the temperature in the gorowin closet be between if u dont mind?


ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6644708 said:
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What does this mean?

:leaf:haha yea your right i should do that. good looks papasmurf. and i jus started germination today for 3 blue cheese...going out saturady to buy lgihts and trying to figure out how many lights i will need if im gettin 600w or 400w HID system with some box fans. also what should the temperature in the gorowin closet be between if u dont mind?
You will want to keep your temps around 75-80f and your humidity around 60-65%


Well-Known Member
:leaf:haha yea your right i should do that. good looks papasmurf. and i jus started germination today for 3 blue cheese...going out saturady to buy lgihts and trying to figure out how many lights i will need if im gettin 600w or 400w HID system with some box fans. also what should the temperature in the gorowin closet be between if u dont mind?
are you asking how many 400w and/or 600w lights you'll need? if you are the answer is 1. 1 HID is more than enough.
If i remember correctly a 400w light covers a 4ft x 4ft area. A 600w light covers a 6x6 area. and so on. i believe you said the closet is 6x6. that means you can either get a 600 and cover your whole closet full of plants (probably no advisable as you'd have to move plants to navigate in there lol.

Instead i'd say get a 400w and use a 4x4 space to leave yourself some room in there.

its up to you though really. its whatever works for you as far as that goes.

For veg you'll want temps between 70 to 80 degrees and the humidity to be 60% at the least or higher.

During flowering (when you switch the lights to 12/12 when you want to start seeing buds grow) you want temps no higher than 80 and humidity between 30-45% is ideal but you can safely go into the 50's if you have good airflow.

the point is you basically never wanna go to 80 or too much higher (81-82 may be ok but 85+ definitely not. Its not good for the plants or the equipment. high humidity in veg...low humidity in flowering. thats the basics pretty much. oh and dont go lower than 60 or so during lights out (temperature.)

Box fans should suffice. i'd get 2 at least. 3 would be ideal. try to have one blow over the tops of the plants/the light bulb and you'll be able to get your light closer w/o burning the plants. it would be a good idea to get one in the cloest doorway blowing out to the rest of the room. im assuming your don't have a special closet with a window so intake might not be easy unless you do some DIY work.

ive never grown in a closet so i dont have experience as to what its like to try and grow in one as far as temps/humidity are concerned.

im thinking its gonna get pretty humid in there mattering on where you live. if you live in a pretty dry region i assume you'll be fine. if you're in the south then i'd be worried.

let us know how it goes/what you end up buying.


thanks again themanwiththeplan u have answered all my questions haha that helped alot.. if ur askin gme to post pics i will as soon as the plants r up and running!


Well-Known Member
ph levels should be between?
in soil you want it right around 6.5 (7.0 is too high and 6.0 is too low) many say you should stay between 6.3-6.8 however this is all just a general rule.

Some strains are finicky and want a specific level to be happy but most will grow anywhere in the 6.3-6.8 range. ive grown some that like 7.0 but thats very rare.

pH pens can cost a lot of money and the 3 prong style ones are cheap but they are highly unreliable/inaccurate. I'd suggest a pH test dropper kit. its pretty cheap and easy to use. it comes with a bottle of solution to test the water...a small vial that you collect your water in then simply put a few drops of solution into the vial and put the lid on/shake it up and it'll turn a specific color then you match that color the the color chart on the bottle of solution then you'll know what the pH is.

It only costs $4-5 and will last you for a long time.

its made by general hydroponics (i think).