help with light on at night in tent


Active Member
Hey everyone,

Second timer and new to hydro still as well but I have a few things in my tent and I would like to make sure I am safe or if I will be taping everything. I have as the pic below shows, a few monitors and 2 have green lights which I read was ok for night. But the Inkbird humidity monitor has old school red alarm clock digital face. I put a piece of duct tape over it but I can still see a red hue at night. I can put more tape on it or is it ok ? thanks for the help



Well-Known Member
I prefer to have no light, but I do believe things like red leds are the worst kind of light to disturb a plant at lights out.
Due to the fact it caused me problems in the past.

I cover all things with a layer of tin foil, that blocks light completely.
You could shape some tin foil to fit snug over anything and still be able to take it off when you want to see the lcd screed.

That said, cant you just have all that stuff outside your grow tent?


Active Member
Thanks for the idea about tin foil and no light at all.. you gave me a great idea. I am thinking about trying to run to the fabric store to create a drape to cover that at night and then I can pull it up during the day.. I am particular about it as the first pic is my live stream so I can check my numbers anytime and if there is a water issue the alarm will go off trigger the camera and send me a notification anytime , anywhere.. I am Curious about setting up some outside the tent but the co2 monitor would have to stay obviously..thanks for sparking some new thoughts


Active Member
Redoing the room today folks! very excited going from the bubbleponics to rdwc and I will be moving a few things around as suggested here.. I will be posting a journal soon as I have been taking extensive notes every other day and taking a few photos and I am just wrapping up a month of veg (including time from the moment I germinated the seeds) as you can see here.. thanks for the help everyone



No light in tent at all at night green blue it doesnt matter. At night in the plants natural habitat there is no extra light. The sun doesnt pop up for a min or 2 to check on anything. Setup timer's so that you have time to work in your garden with the lights on whether it's a 12/12 or 18/6 my light go out at 10 PM allowing more than enough time for me to work in the garden and also allows me the time when I do the 12/12 change over. Planning is key to all grows and grow rooms


Active Member
Ok I can officially say there are no lights left on at night, thanks for the help folks! I moved the inkbird out. I left the bluelab hydro monitor in because the cords are too short to put on the outside for the probes to reach the epicenter. I also had to leave the co2 monitor as it needs to be in there. Here is what I did for night only the last light on the co2 flashes as the ppm is below 1000. I took two pieces of duct tape with foil in between and covered the last dot. I then made a cover for the bluelab..It is felt, then foils and then more felt with hot glue (my wife loves crafts so she enjoyed this lol).



Well-Known Member
Not that safe isn't better then sorry but I doubt that those tiny lights are giving off more light then the moon or is the argument about wavelength?


Active Member
No argument per-say but i have to say that little bit of light can indeed play games as I learned the hard way before.. Last crop was in a 5x5 arranged like the X's below, the H is where I had a dehumidifier with a red light that only turned on when full and I never knew it as it was kinda hidden in the plastic and I always dumped it from the back.


The X's marked with red are the ones that ended up growing like crap and had all sorts of issues, (to the point they were sacrificed for concentrates) I could never figure out until the end when I was emptying everything from the front and seen the red light and drew my own conclusion at the time. Hence I started this thread to get some help this round

I appreciate the help everyone,, awesome community here


Well-Known Member
Not that safe isn't better then sorry but I doubt that those tiny lights are giving off more light then the moon or is the argument about wavelength?
I ran a perpetual for somewhere around 7-8 years, for the first 6 years I did 3 crops in stages all in one flower tent and around 12/13 crops a year, when you get complacent like I did running autopots at that time I never had to get amongst my plants and pay them the attention they deserved so I didn't spot the herm issue I had until it was too late. The 1st crop, closest to harvest had thrown nanners all over the back side of one plant, the airflow pollinated the second and third crop, the second crop was fully seeded and the third was pollinated to the point I knew there was no point but to cull the lot. The first crop was passable the second got turned to hash, the third got burned as they were.
Turns out some weeks before I had changed out a 4 way extension cord that had failed, I did it in a rush and didn't cover the red LED. That LED was shining right across that part of the plant which threw nanners. Now maybe it was a coincidence but that's the only plant that it happened to and it never happened again since.
That error cost me several thousand pounds(£) and set me back hugely in time. So I always air on the side of caution regardless of theories regarding natural moonlight or plants not been in total darkness in nature.

The bottom line is it takes a few minutes to remove that risk but its the growers choice and up to them if they want to chance it.
Really all grow room rules are about minimizing risk, hermies, mold, salt build up, root rot, ect.. Just best practices to give the grower the least chance of failure. :bigjoint: