Help with Exhast and intake!!


Active Member
Hi guys, I've been trolling the RIU for a while and i started my first grow last week, not knowing what im doing that much but i suppose that i cant eff it up that much. besides that i will post a grow journal or something about the plants later i just want to get the room done. i am using a coat closet that needs to be very discrete and not smell. it measures 2.5' by 3' by 8' its a nice little closet. anyways i dont care about the holes etc. i want to have 4 or 6 plants going on. i have put sealing around the door and nailed a 2x4 at the base and put plywood over the carpet, then sealed that with duct tape. my in my place is about 78* constant. the closet has no vent like it shouldnt and being sealed off it will need some intake. the attic is right above it and would like to vent it in there :-P and want to do it not too expensivly. should i use tubing? can i just use a bathroom vent? intake is going to be passive. enlighten me while i take care of some things :weed:.

P.S. it is a CFL grow as if i need to say, but i currently have 6 26w 6500K bulbs in a fixture.



Well-Known Member
so whats the problem ?
just put a extractor with Cb filter and jobs a good one.

btw where do you get in the room for watering ?

Tubing is mostly required to get fresh air with CO2 neer plants and/or to get heat from lights away.

but if your hole is in your lounge there will be plenty of CO2 there from you and whoever is in the room
so there is no tubing required there and neither with the heat since its CFLs, they dont give heat.

all you might want to do is get some kind of filter (cloth/air filter) where the intake is for dust and stop lighting from coming out.


Active Member
well i was having heat issues, the thermo's high has been 94* with about 45% hum. so i just want to make it cool.

the front side is a door, i will post pics later today.

but yeah should i stick a chunk of foam in there or rig a filter :-P

also i was thinking about using one of those yeast co2 makers in a 2 liter or......


Well-Known Member
i tried the yeast with CO2, didnt do much difference and started making mold after a couple of days so thats up to you. but 94º thats weird, with cfls you really shouldnt have to much heat, but if thats the case you will have to keep "your room (where the tv is)" temperature down that way your growroom will be cooler too, since its connected

so just stick a thermometer in your tv room and try keep temp around 80º using airconditioning/heaters.

Making a duct system wont cool it down any more then the air its pulling in is

also maybe a better idea to keep it cooler is let it pull the air from the attic to your tv room


Well-Known Member
Except that the attic is usually warmer than the rooms below (heat rises).

On my closet I used to grow in I used an axial type fan (large computer fan) on the intake to actively pull in air. If you leave the TV on to cover up the sound of the fan running it should still be pretty stealth. That is the problem with fans - they make noise!

More importantly would be to put some kind of exhuast fan into your attic so you are actively pulling air out of the room (and this will suck air into your intake hole without the use of an intake fan -- passive).

CFL's do create heat. Actually proportionally more heat than an HID would (more heat per lumen). That 150 W of CFL is only what -- approx 10000 lumens? A 150W HPS would be about 15000 lumens with the approximate same amount of heat.