Help! Whats wrong with my plants?


Active Member
I really don't know what of the plants in my garden has leaves with brownish spots, and I don't know what is causing it. I think I might have over fertilized, but I'm not sure. The leaves develop brown spots, and then turn yellow and die. I grow in soil, and my tap ph is 7. I don't ph my water. All the plants in my garden seem to be ok, except this one.
Any help would be great...
Thanks in advance.



Active Member
Anybody? Are these symptoms of nutrient lockout?
It looks like nute probs to me but for the guys on here than know more than I they will need more info! watering times nutes and how strong are they are you in veg or flower post a pick of the whole plant too but to me it looks like a lockout(N) deficincy


Active Member
Try Flushing you plan and picking up jorge cerventas horitculture marijuna bible it awnser all your problems