Help! What is Wrong With My Plants?


Active Member
day 20 #3.jpgDAY 20.jpg

hi guys,this is my 1st attempt at growing. all of my plants are currently in light warrior soil mixed with perlite. they are under an 8 bulb flourescent. I have about 40 plants total inside 1 of 2 tents until they grow.they are 20 days old.temp is a constant 75 degrees and rm is about 45%.i water every 2 days. my p.h for soil and water is 6.5-7.0.
i transplanted them from a seed germinating tray to these pots last weekend.before the transplant leaves were starting to they went from turning pale green to yellow within the last week. so my question is, do i need to start feeding these nutes or is it still to early. and if so will the pale green/yellow leaves turn back green or are they done? the new growth seems to be coming in pretty good but as you can see in the pics the older leaves are losing color. are they dying? pleas help and thanks ahead of time.


Active Member
a couple more questions,can transplant shock cause this problem? are these as big as they should be or are they to small


Well-Known Member
It could possibly cause it, but to be honest I have never seen a seedling look like that before. Might be a ph problem but dam, im gonna have to do some research for ya


Well-Known Member
classic signs of being overwatered are showing, let the soil get dry in between waterings. At this stage you probably only need to water once every 5-7 days.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude if those are 20 days, almost 3 weeks old, your having a problem. i think overwatering like nodrama and oldreefer... your ph is fine and your its not light burn or nute burn. what kind of soil did you use, if it is heavy w nutes it could burn seedlings. and those things looked soaked... dont water for a few days


GFUNK412.....way too early for nutes in my opinion. I am guessing they had a dry spell recently. Keep them wet and maybe even put a dome over them.....spray them daily for about another week or so. Either way looks like your problem is solved, new leaves coming in look very green. PH is a little high even for seedlings....I would try to bring that down a little


Well-Known Member
classic signs of being overwatered are showing, let the soil get dry in between waterings. At this stage you probably only need to water once every 5-7 days.

jeez, new wrinkle for my brain... could that tiny amount of soil actually be able to be overwatered lol


Active Member
soil is fox farms light warrior. these pots dry out in about a day. 5-7 days seems very long to wait. doesnt dry soil damage roots?


Well-Known Member
IMO. Plain ph'd water only when pots are light until out of the seedling stage, to ensure your not overwatering finger the soil, if its damp your good, add 1/4 tsp of superthrive for a 'revival' of your seedlings. Good luck.


I gotta say all this over watering stuff is disrespect to anyone. If your soil is properly airiated and it seems as though it is with the light warrior soil mixed with perlite you should not have to worry about over watering unless a pool built up and the pots sat in a pool for a long period of time. The only other way to overwater is to use dense soil which you clearly did not do. Seedlings need water almost more then they need light so it is important to keep them moist always and do not let them get dry. When they get bigger it is good to let things get a little dry but never too dry. When they get too dry the will 1st start to droop slightly ....then they will droop like they are dead and finally leaves will turn yellow from bottom of plant and work their way to the top if dryness continues. The new growth will always get priority from the plant so it is common to see new growth green while bottom stuff is dying. Never allow pools to build up, airiate the soild properly and keep those seedlings moist. Also if you have well water make sure you do not have a water softner because if you do there is your problem (the plants hate the salt)


Forgot to ask what kind of light are you using? You can get yellowing of the leaves by having too powerful of a light too close also. If it is a T-5 or similar you are all set and don't have to worry about this unless the lights are actually touching the leaves. If you are using a mh then that could be the problem as it could be too much for the little sprouts.


Active Member
Forgot to ask what kind of light are you using? You can get yellowing of the leaves by having too powerful of a light too close also. If it is a T-5 or similar you are all set and don't have to worry about this unless the lights are actually touching the leaves. If you are using a mh then that could be the problem as it could be too much for the little sprouts.
i have a t5 about 2.5 inches from the plants


3 weeks from the day you started soaking the seeds or 3 weeks from the time you put the cracked seed in the soil? Either way you are falling behind a little due to whatever problem you are having. Your light is perfect and the height of the light is perfect. Where is you water source coming from? These things look like they just cracked about a week ago or sooner.


Active Member
3 weeks from the day you started soaking the seeds or 3 weeks from the time you put the cracked seed in the soil? Either way you are falling behind a little due to whatever problem you are having. Your light is perfect and the height of the light is perfect. Where is you water source coming from? These things look like they just cracked about a week ago or sooner.
3 weeks from putting cracked seed into seed starting trayDay 7 pre VEG.jpgthis pic is after the 1st 7 days.