Help transplanting seedlings!

I received two seedlings about a week and a half old planted together in a glass pot with a drainage hole at the bottom. So you can see the problem I'm sure.

I want to know if it is possible to safely transplant these two seedlings out of this glass pot and place them into separate solo cups (which I will cut the bottom off of when it comes time for a bigger medium), and if it is, how can I do so. They are spaced almost side by side, maybe a half inch to an inch apart. I am worried about the roots growing together already and tearing or ripping them during a transplant. I was thinking about just killing off one, but could I wait to do this until I can sex them during 12/12 or would they not make it? Should I kill one off now or attempt a transplant to another medium?

I'm still a beginner to all of this so any help would be appreciated.
Kill one and transplant the other to something bigger than a solo cup slick
Limited space until I finish the room I'm going to move my setup to. So a solo cup will have to work until at least until towards the end of the seedling stage. Is this the only option? I'm really hoping to keep both if possible but most everyone here is more knowledgeable on this then I am.
How far apart are they and how long have they been together?
I would cut top and bottom off a water bottle and gently twist it down into soil with one seedling centered go to the bottom.
Then tilt pot and lift away cylinder with soil and seedling.
Prep new container, place seedling in by tipping new container then slide cylinder in stand straight and twist with upward energy.
be gentle and move slowly and calmly.
considering you are new to this and that you are looking for a female plant.1-let them grow longer to build a better root system(like 2 more weeks).2-When they look stronger and healthy water them and put your fingers between the stalks and flip the plant upside down and get the whole thing out of the glass container.A heavy watering should help this process out.set them down and take a nice big sharp knife and cut stait down between the 2 plants and repot each half in different prepared containers.If the plant does have problems reliesing from the glass pot you can take a thin knife to go around the edge to break it loose.Yes you will be cutting some roots but they will recover if you keep them in a warmer slightly humid area like a dome or even a clear storage bin with a lite above it.a heat matt under them also works wonders.These plants are extreemly tough and can take quite alot of abuse in the veg state.Look at it this are farther away from a new clone with NO roots that survive so your chances of success are higher.It will take 8 to 10 days before they start to take off again.
Cut the bottoms off a couple of clear water bottles, used as hum. domes.
Gently wash the soil from the roots. Transplant to separate pots. Water and cover with domes.
As far as getting the seedlings out of a glass jar. You can break it or slowly wash out the soil to remove the seedlings.

Good Luck


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I would gently try to seperate them and put them both in small pots, wash out the soil to get them out, that way if 1 dies due to shock at least you still have 1 left.
@AimAim - This is what I've read, since this is all I have to work with at the moment until my other seeds germinate and can start their seedling life as well. They will be in a more controlled environment as far as the pot and soil goes. This is in mystery soil, haha.

@Dogenzengi - They are a half inch apart and have been in the same pot side by side for about 2 weeks, thought it's hard to say for sure, but this time span should be fairly close. I think I'll try this method. Thanks!

@Ringsixty - I think I'll do this after I use Dogenzengi's method to transplant the seedlings. As far as breaking the pot goes, it's my friends and they want it back after I transplant them. Good friend but not the brightest when it comes to things like this obviously, or they wouldn't have used this damn pot! Thanks for the advice!

@Reddiamond - What do you mean wash the soil out? As long as I keep one I'll be happy, but I'd like to keep both. Maybe with the above mentioned method I can make it work!
One isn't doing as well as the other. It only is just starting to get it's third set of leaves and the second set is only as big as the first. The healthier ones second leaves are twice the size of it's first, and seems much more healthier than the other.

I decided I'm going to kill the weaker one then transplant the remaining one in a 3 gal pot and skip the solo cup. But my questions is, how do I kill the weaker one without damaging the one I wish to keep? I know this might be a dumb question. My options were just snip it at the bottom or try to pull it out but risk cutting the others roots. What would you guys/gals recommend?
I just grew 2 ladies in a single pot, kinda like co dominant trees in nature, thet did fine I just compensated for the extra space by transplanting into a twice the normal size smart pot(which in this case was a 20 gallon pot) Sometime's you can leave em alone and just let em thrive together if you have to.:peace:
I just grew 2 ladies in a single pot, kinda like co dominant trees in nature, thet did fine I just compensated for the extra space by transplanting into a twice the normal size smart pot(which in this case was a 20 gallon pot) Sometime's you can leave em alone and just let em thrive together if you have to.:peace:

I was actually thinking about doing this, however, it appears the healthy one is stealing the nutes and light from the other, stunted neighbor and is thriving a lot better. Wouldn't it be best to just save the stronger of the two?

I also do not believe I would make room for a 20 gallon pot in my setup, 5 is about the biggest I can grow in.
Fair enough yeah kill one leave the other sounds good. I would simply pinch at the soil base said seedling to be removed. I sometimes forget how big my smartpots are lol.
I would just cut the smaller one and leave the root system alone. I did that all the time in soil, cut the weaker of the two and just leave the one to grow. The dead roots will not effect the healthy plant. But if you do want to keep both just remove root ball and gently wash all of the dirt away and the roots should be able to be seperated at that point.
Fair enough yeah kill one leave the other sounds good. I would simply pinch at the soil base said seedling to be removed. I sometimes forget how big my smartpots are lol.

I can fit four 5 gallon pots in the space I have, I have other seedlings in the works so I don't want to use all of that space for a 20 gallon pot. I bet that thing is huge! I wouldn't want to have to move it after watering.
I would just cut the smaller one and leave the root system alone. I did that all the time in soil, cut the weaker of the two and just leave the one to grow. The dead roots will not effect the healthy plant. But if you do want to keep both just remove root ball and gently wash all of the dirt away and the roots should be able to be seperated at that point.

Are you sure this wouldn't cause root rot? This is the only thing I was worried about if I went down this road.
In a strange turn of events a third little seedling has broke through the soil surface! My friend said nothing of a third seed being planted in the medium. Going to pick up a few 3 gallon pots in the morning to transplant the two larger ones to into and try to let the tiny seedling grow out a bit more so it the transplant isn't as much of a shock to it. Anyone else have any re-potting techniques that is low stress to the roots? Worried terribly about ripping them and killing all three of them.
Oh no triplets lol. Just be real careful and rinse all of the roots real well with water and then try to seperate would be what I would do and no I have never had an issue with cutting the smaller of two plants re the roots. That was a long time ago as I grow just one seed per pot now lol. I run a flood and drain now as well. Keep us posted!!!
Oh no triplets lol. Just be real careful and rinse all of the roots real well with water and then try to seperate would be what I would do and no I have never had an issue with cutting the smaller of two plants re the roots. That was a long time ago as I grow just one seed per pot now lol. I run a flood and drain now as well. Keep us posted!!!

The tiny seedling is growing so slow but the others are still doing well. The unhealthy one is starting to liven up since I put a fan in the room with them, it's not bending as much.

You don't think washing the roots this early would cause too much stress to the seedlings? I know I should have already transplanted them but I'm still debating about killing them all but one for a cleaner, easier transplant.
Bunch of mostly, crappy advice so far. Shows most of you guys never grew anything before you started with weed...

1. You can see through the glass right? If there are bunch of roots showing you can transplant them now, if not wait until roots start hitting the glass.

2. Do not wash any soil, transplant a few days after watering, so the soil with cling to the roots.

3. Gently separate the seedlings roots, if you feel uncomfortable with it slice them in half with sharp knife. Either way will work.

4. Plant in fresh medium, water lightly.

Consult any gardening book, it will tell you exactly the same, just you will need to do more reading.

Good luck.