HELP! tips like claws and maybe a potassium problem?


ill get some pictures but be warned i trimmed all damaged leaves and the claw is gerring much better and i started feeding nutes as well as they were going very light green and iam now at 3 weeks since the switch and iam thinking of binning next week on sat if they dont improve there is little buds but i carnt see them amounting to nothing which is why the chop if they dont sort them selfs out, and there only 15 inches tall as well which i was a little dissapointed with as wanted them bigger but the problem must of slowed growth in the switch and i no i should of kept veggin till i sorted it but iam on a time scale as moving homes.


Well-Known Member
If you curled the tips and burnt them it sounds like youve been adding too much stuff. I did the same thing once. I was using ffof soil and still feeding at 1100 ppm like i would in hydro. Curled her up a bit and burnt the tips because i thought she was in need of nitrogen because she was yellowing ( burning ). After a 900 ppm nitrogen shot they curled and crisped up on the edges. I flushed and never fed her again and she turned out fine. No need to trim off the leaves, they will never get better but even if theyre a little green still theyre helping. Id say chill out with guano and flush them hard a couple times and hope for the best.


going for pictures in an hour or 2 so check back soon people to c wot ya think, peace out and no danger power rangers......