Help, timing is everthing ! Infestation+ nutes


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a 3 week old plant that had some it looked like burnt leaves. They were just at the veryyy tips, they were discolored and a little thin. Anyway the soil apparently got infected with little white things, i couldent tell if they were spider mites but it looked like they only had 6 legs. Either way I wanted a pest free garden. I looked up a few homemade remidies and this one actually worked!
I got a normal cup of water, ( 3 cups actually measured ) put some apple sider vineger in it, some olive oil, 2 slices of garlic and a 1/2 a ring of onion in water and mixed it up real well, sprayed it on the soil and let it soak. 10 minutes later, i flushed the plants ( might wana wait longer ) everything was gone, next day plants still look perfectly healthy, the tips still look the same. Anyway , im almost 4 weeks in , just wondering when should I add nutes? i have just some blue powder that you add to your water, figureing to add 25% solution but the soil is healthy , it dosent have time released nutes in it already or anything, idk when to nute it now though... any help?


good job on getting those pest out the door but its really your call on the nutes, some people start adding nutes when they start flowering but i added nutes right around week 3 but then again i started flowering early


New Member
What type of soil you got them in? Even though there are no time release in there, they still may need some food now, especially if you have some yellowing going on. Please post some pics if you can. You gave a good explanation, but pics always help. +rep for getting rid of them critters!