Help... someones smelt my grow :(

Just took a look at your plants.

Unless they're a really smelly strain, I can't see it being an issue.

You could probably mask the smell of those with a full house cleaning with basic cleaners (Mr.Clean, a bleach wall wash, I don't know the standard smelly house cleaning supplies in the UK but you get the idea)

As for the police and people telling you to toss them;

Only you know what the risks are and only you can make those choices. They're your plants, you assume the risk.
It's not the fine, it's the record. Have that criminal conviction on your record and they may not let you into Canada, USA or other places. It could also hurt employment. It's a moronic archaic set of laws but the consequences can still be bad even if you just get a fine. To each their own though, each person needs to decide if the risk is worth the reward. I just hope the OP doesn't get into trouble, in 2020 there should be no such thing as a pot conviction.
i would never want to go to the usa
Are you in the UK?
Nope, thankfully I am in a legal country. Hey it's your call, you want to take a chance that is totally up to you. As many have said it will likely not cause you any trouble but that doesn't guarantee it won't. Just never know when you will find that cop with a chip on their shoulder.
Do u know what though it does seem to be a lot of scare mongering on here it makes me wonder if they are just having a laugh i mean surely consideration would be taken for the fact its for personal use for migranes and sleep. I dont wanna pay into street prices and i wanna select the strains right for me not this psychoactive stuff on the streets. If the police were to confiscate these they wud be in turn creating more crime as i would have to buy from a dealer. They r so stupid here, if they legalise it ten ppl wont go to dealers

Probably true.
But understand; many of us here have seen a few more seasons than others - we're old (if that's offensive to you, then it's probably true! :P.)

Google your local, county, state, federal laws --- get to know them. Apply that to your country as necessary.
Are you the big fish, growing wise?
In my cousin's town (pop 1,200) - you just might be. He and one of his friends grew a couple plants every spring and were very popular in that dry, weedless place - I think he's indoor now.
In my neighborhood (SoCal) - you could ask a neighbor for help; about 1 in every 10 houses in my local has a grow going and a few ounces on hand. I'm actually meeting with 3 other guys on my block talking shop & help each other out. (So weird being legal...)

At the level you stated - 5-10 grams per plant X 3 plants
--- you just might hit an ounce; which seems to be a bench mark for dealing / distribution in most illegal places, and the limit for purchase in legal areas.

I don't know the laws in the UK. In '80s - '90s SoCal, more than an eighth, less than an ounce police encounters included:
Pipes, bongs, joints, cans destroyed - countless.
Officer laughed at my schwaggy, seedy bag, dumped it and stomped it out (I was a kid, cut me some slack!)
Officer threatened to jail me for my good bag - took it and didn't stomp it out....
Officer threw me in the back of the car for a few minutes, then "confiscated" my weed - a lot.
Many possession tickets (under an ounce) - about $150 each back then - I don't remember many of those being stomped out either...
Nights in jail - a few, more than I'm copping to here! :wink:
Face down on the ground with guns pointed my way - once. (had no idea my buddy had a lot of blow on him - really, he wasn't sharing!)
Interrogation room threats that you'll be an old man when you get out - a couple. (he wasn't sharing - none in my system!)
Nights in jail with a potential sentence over my head - 5+ a few hours. Always fun to be cut loose in downtown with no ride home at midnight.

Much over an ounce ---
As much as I fondly recollect trimming, crop sitting, brick weed and skunk of the '80s; I often leave out things like heading south on I-5 with 5 pounds of Skunk #1 in sealed buckets when a California Highway Patrol tailed me CLOSE for 7.63 miles while we were the only cars on the highway. Given the laws in the '80s, I'd probably have "only" got 10-25 YEARS (out in 5 or 6 with good behavior). I pulled over at the next gas station, threw up my guts & shook for 1/2 hour before getting back on the road.
---- How do I know the prison time schedule from back then? That's the sentence my friend got for the same weights I carried. He spent 6 years.
Those are large amounts - no claiming "personal" with two 5gal buckets of weed in the truck...

Hmmm, maybe gettin' old ain't so bad...
i can only come to places like this for advice, i cant ring up the police can i? lol and yes i feel better about some of the information i have had today. Its not overkill as look at them! i knew thats all i was gonna get and thats all i need. I just cant see myself getting screwed as much as if i had a tent- would deffo get done for intent to supply then plus rather overkill for personal use dont u think?

I rang up the police and asked them if id go to jail for growing.
they said its cool and im allowed to grow privately. this is in South Africa though. but i see no reason why you cant call them up and ask.
i still have the whole conversation with the police chief recorded. i recorded the phone call.
Worst case scenario they say NO. best case scenario they say "we wont lock you up for 2 or 3 plants"
That really doesnt help me
It will if the local authorities knock on your door. Have you put any real money into it? If not.. and it’s not legal (which you have had plenty of time to check on) then you need to get rid of it. Not worth the charges of a grow operation for something you can fit in one doobie. Just chop/dry and smoke so you can calm down about the situation.
Consume it..
Don’t let it consume you.
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i would never want to go to the usa

Understandable as a whole, however I believe that you would be missing a huge learning opportunity.

Not necessarily just the U.S. - any foreign travel will expose you to cultures and beliefs that are not your own.
I've been to most of the U.S., Mexico a lot as a kid, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Barbados, Canada, & India
- 1 more edit - Amsterdam & the UK were fun too!

Each culture has high-points and low-points.
Not surprisingly, weed breaks many cultural and language barriers and I could not help but bring back a slightly altered perspective of my own little corner of the world after each trip.
Look at it this way - I know people who just can not believe the whole world is not like (edit - Southern) California... :o
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If growing is illegal and you're scared of getting caught, then the answer is simple, move them to a new location or get rid of them. I haven't read all the responses but from what I see, it looks like you're only 'listening' to the ones that say "don't worry about it".. Asking people on here how long they think you'd go to jail is silly. Do some research on the laws where you live if you really want to know the potential risk you're putting yourself in. If you're just looking to be comforted, then I'd say you're probably going to be fine as well.
For 9 plants and under sentencing guidelines recommend a suspended sentence for first time offenders in the UK, but there is no guarantee that you will just get a slap on the wrist. I suggest watching some classic prison movies, like Death Warrant starring Jean Claude Van Damme, and then imagine yourself in that situation, and ALWAYS REMEMBER: "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
Jail!!!? are you sure?
Why though? if they are that tiny would police be able to do much?
Size does not really matter ,its the number a plant a 6 ft or a plant at 6 inch both 1 plant .Ive been done a few times for all types of drugs.just depends what dutty babbylon ya get.But take advice it aint worth it ,ya could possibly get locked up for afternoon for that amount. Far better be smart and smile if they did come .personally I would lay of a while now,but that's just me
For 9 plants and under sentencing guidelines recommend a suspended sentence for first time offenders in the UK, but there is no guarantee that you will just get a slap on the wrist. I suggest watching some classic prison movies, like Death Warrant starring Jean Claude Van Damme, and then imagine yourself in that situation, and ALWAYS REMEMBER: "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
I been to jail for it a few times,if he's never been done for anything they would not even bother arresting him .They would not wanna do paper work.Or would they its a risk why I said i would pull em
why are we still talking about this?

Quit freaking out. You could have harvested, disposed of all evidence and been 6 hours into the drying process for the few grams you have.

This is ridiculous.
Are they stupid or is you risking you and your ladies freedom for an 8th of dry bud. Cultivating marijuana is a much different charge than simply possessing it regardless of where you are. Even in most legal places there’s a process you gotta go through to be legally allowed to grow.