help! severe wrinkling!


Active Member
New growth has wrinkles in the new leaves . Almost look rigid. I just transplanted recnently and was tould my plants are in shock. Ive just been feeding ph'd water and was giving previous feedings of water/cal-mag. Any info will help



Well-Known Member
probably in shock! but im no expert! water it decent and leave it alone for a day or two and see what happens


Well-Known Member
mine will look like that before long if we dont get an answer! im thinking its the ph of my water , compiled with underwatering, but im probably wrong!!!mine havent been transplanted so , who knows!


Well-Known Member
I second this ^^
I agree , the plant was not rootbound enough prior to transplant and now its shocked as you disturbed the root system. Also if the the light is hid raise it up and make sure temps are under 80 , dont water it until recovery its just making things worse.


Active Member
IMG_0092.jpgIMG_0083.jpgView attachment 2576740Ok so you have a little plant you where obviously feeding ( green veins pronounced on leafs) .Then before it recovered from that insult( you transplanted it shutting the roots down tempararily. This can sometimes happen when you transplant a plant that isn't totally dried out. It probably was a little damp. Then you put it into some type of super soil. Also composted with all kinds of goodies.
YOU watered the hell out of it after transplant ,,,,, and it sat there,,, In a puddle of nutes. Shock didn't make those leafs look like that. Over watering caused it to over feed. Now, everyime you water, or try to add this, admendment and that, you are in effect overdosing it with it's own soil. Heaven forbid you already gave it some sort of "Franken- Nute" program. If you are buying over-priced , organicly composted bag soil, thats it, thats all the nutes any mj plant needs through a three week veg. Why overdose it? You use your veg and flower nutes if you plan to "extend" your veg out like some do, or to swing your veg to a bloom cycle. The over use of veg nutes by people growing in composted soil is more than likely the biggest self inflickted issue with new growers. More nutes do not create big beutiful tasty buds. Growers that know how and when to use them, and when not to use them, do! just let it dry and grow. Let it get a little drier between "WATERINGS" for awhile and you should do fine.
LET it grow, dont try to FORCE it to grow with to many nutes. peace "The Melungeonman"


Active Member
Sry bout the double posting man my desktop is down and my mobile device has been giving me problems posting ( showing that my post was successfully posted).


Active Member
thank you. Melungeonman. I do appreciate all the info can get write now because all this stuff very new too me and i, thats why i joined this web page. But i cant help but feel like im almost being scolded somewhat. This is my first indoor grow, ive been enjoying marijuana for many years now and finnaly wanted to take that next step and start making my own sticky icky. So if my organic super soil is too HOT or my franken Nutes are on overload thats something i dont know much about yet, but for you to sum up my whole grow so far was pretty cool,but y.ou did get a couple things wrong. I was tould my super soil would sustain me through veg. and not too even bother with any flower nutes this time around and go all naturell. Know what i mean. But after i wated 3 days after the last feeding then went to transplant an began having problems. ( hey man you have a nice setup, wish i had the room for something like that. Did you frame that up yourself??.