Help.. setting clock's back an hour last nite..


Well-Known Member

since last night.. we had to set our clocks back an hour... do we keep the lighting schedule the same??

Like.. last night.. I put my plant to sleep at 10:30pm right? Well, I'm on 12/12... so should I wait until 10:30am (or 9:30am) to put her back under the lights??? Would 10:30am be the 12 hours? Or.. technically would it be 9:30am for 12 hours?

I'm confused damn it. :|


Well-Known Member
Yes, keep the lighting schedule the same. Do not change your timers back an hour.

Edit: Oh so you dont have a timer huh? You're manually turning the lights on and off? Well, same advice apllies, dont change anything. Haha good luck bro

And yes, lights now go on at 9:30 :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reminder. :wink:

just change your schedule. as robert said, an hour once isn't going to have any effect. :cool:


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone.

Hey Farmer.. question for ya.

You confused me.. so I'm just going to keep the same schedule I have been using.

Im just going to keep the 10:30am/10:30pm
lighting schedule.

I mean.. like everyone else said.. an hour won't make or break my plant.

I guess I could always change over to 11hrs on/ 13hrs off if I had too.

anyhow, thanks for the help you guys.



Well-Known Member
thanks everyone.

Hey Farmer.. question for ya.

You confused me.. so I'm just going to keep the same schedule I have been using.

Im just going to keep the 10:30am/10:30pm
lighting schedule.

I mean.. like everyone else said.. an hour won't make or break my plant.

I guess I could always change over to 11hrs on/ 13hrs off if I had too.

anyhow, thanks for the help you guys.

Haha yeah I confuse myself sometimes. :bigjoint:

An hour wont make or break your plants. It wont cause hermies or anything like that. But, I dont see any reason why you should change the light schedule if you dont have to. Keep it the same, my .02/

Good Luck bro, happy growing

p.s. Did you say something about a question for me? :lol: J/K man, we all get sidetracked from time to time
Obviously for optimum conditions you want to try and keep everything as consistant as possible. However, if you are in a bind, an hour shouldnt matter.


Well-Known Member
I changed my timer an hour back and now its back to normal. I like to have the lights come on when im at home so I can water them right away.