Help: Seeds wont sprout after germination.


So i could use some help here, this is my first grow, i germinated some exodus kush, bubble kush, and one called bubble gummer, however once they germinated (paper towel method [ to the point of small white root tip] ) i planted them in peat pucks, its been about 2 weeks to 3, and they still havent sprouted (planted no more than either 1/4 an inch or 1/2) I know i didn't touch the tips i used a good pair of tweezers, as well as used distilled water, my real question is, are they dead? or is there still hope for them? i just don't want to have wasted 100 bucks on these seeds to get no end result. And my method has worked before i currently have an auto blue mystic, and 2 big bangs growing atm. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. IMG_0703[1].jpgIMG_0704[1].jpgIMG_0706[1].jpgIMG_0707[1].jpg Forgot to mention they are on a seedling heating mat


Well-Known Member
Black seeds mean dead seeds and you planted too deep 1/16 would have been more accurate.I find the paper towel method the most productive,and $100 wasted sucks to be you unless u got it to blow,this is why i don't buy from companies that don't talk about germination rates or any thing about growing, cause they can send you all duds and there is nothing you can do about it.I don't always buy seeds online but when i do i prefer
Was it one seed of each or pack of each?

2-3 weeks no sprout= dead.. Sorry

I don't think you planted it too deep just that they were duds


Was it one seed of each or pack of each?

2-3 weeks no sprout= dead.. Sorry

I don't think you planted it too deep just that they were duds

i bought 2 seeds, from a pack (of the kush strains, i have 2 bubble gummer seeds not sowed) , from a company that sells single seeds ( and they have been plenty moist, had the humidity dome on to keep the soil wet, and would they be duds even though they germinated with the root tip sticking out?


Well-Known Member
I doubt that many were duds. They probably rotted, especially since you had a humidity dome on them. For whatever reason, the paper towel method isn't working for you. I never liked that method myself, but I know a lot of people use it and swear by it. On your next batch, just try this method...

1. ) For your medium, use either Miracle Grow Seed Starting Mix or Fox Farm Light Warrior. These are sterile potting mixes and are made for germinating seeds, so there is no chance of them getting burnt. Don't be scared of Miracle Grow if you see sale on it, just make sure its the Seed Starting Mix. Don't use anything else until they're at least one month old.

2. ) Wet the medium really good before you start. I like to use one gallon grow bags, but you can use anything you want as long as it has drainage holes.

3. ) Next, soak your seeds for 5 minutes using room temperature water. I use tap, but if you feel better go ahead and use bottle, it doesn't really matter. Don't pH or add any additives like Superthrive. Keep it simple.

4. ) Sow the seeds one half inch deep (or roughly three times the length of the seed). Pinch the soil closed and give it a good misting from a spray bottle, but be sure it's a very fine mist. Its only to seal the hole. You don't want to push the seed further down.

5. ) Put it under your lights and set your timer. I set mine to 18/6, but 24hr is fine too. The reason why I do this is because the lights give just enough heat to encourage early sprouting and when they do sprout, they get light immedately when they most need it. Don't use a dome. That just encourages mold and early rotting. Don't use a heating pad either because sometimes they get to hot and honestly, it's a waste of money. You don't need it.

6. ) In three days they should sprout, but it's not uncommon for them to take 4-5 days. However, I don't wait longer then five days. That night if any still haven't popped up, carefully take a toothpick and pull back the soil just enough to make sure the seedling gets exposed to some light. Sometimes the medium will clump up a tiny bit and be to heavy for the seedling to push through it. Other times it's just a weakling and needs a bit of TLC.

Try this. It works.


hey guys, so i think i fixed the problem. it was the damn heating mat, i was unable to tell what the soil temp was because my thermometer's battery died, but now after germinating my last 2 bubble gummers, they are peeking up out of the soil :] unfortunatly i lost 2 seeds, and 4 seeds (2 bubblegum kush, and 2 exodus kush) which is fairly sad :{ but lets just hope i get a healthy plant for this bubble gummer to give me LOTS of clones :] thanks again for the help


Well-Known Member
vindicated is right. his method sounds solid.

definitely dtch the humidity dome. seeds dont need humidity in fact it causes damping off which will surely kill them


Well-Known Member
get rid of the peat pucks, there bloody useless. go for rockwool or as the guy above says straight into a potting soil or coco i use both methods and have good results, ive been growing for a few years and ive tried different methods and they've all got there good and bad points but i found NO good points with peat pucks. throw them to fuck buddy.


Active Member
hey guys, so i think i fixed the problem. it was the damn heating mat, i was unable to tell what the soil temp was because my thermometer's battery died, but now after germinating my last 2 bubble gummers, they are peeking up out of the soil :] unfortunatly i lost 2 seeds, and 4 seeds (2 bubblegum kush, and 2 exodus kush) which is fairly sad :{ but lets just hope i get a healthy plant for this bubble gummer to give me LOTS of clones :] thanks again for the help
Hopefully lesson learned, Vindicated had some great tips.


Active Member
and you spent 100 bucks for 6 seeds? crazy man I always look for the solid deals. 10 ak48 nirvana seeds is like 25$ not counting shipping. There are plenty of other ways to go too. THC Bomb regular seeds in 10 packs for 36$ not counting shipping from

but maybe the more expensive seeds are better idk.