HELP! pretty detailed with pics


Active Member
Hey everyone this is my first grow but ive been reading doing alot of research so i have a general idea of whats going on i just need some expert advice

my clones are 23 days into flowering and not too happy. i just transplanted these girls into a 18 gallon tote about a week ago because they had been in 3 qt pots since i got them

-half schultz moisture control
-half lady bug soil compost (they didnt have worm castings and this looked good)
-few kinda big handfuls of dolmite lime
-250 watt HPS
-i dont have a Ph tester and i didn't think i needed one with the dolmite lime

so i think i added to much dolmite lime, which was 20% calcium and 10% magnesium, and the calcium is maybe causing a magnesium/ nitrogen def??
and if i added too much lime will it mess up my Ph and not keep it in check.

i also used some Medina Hasta gro plant (6-12-6) the last time i watered/first time with flowering nutes. and i was using MG all purpose up to the second week into flowering

please help!!

