Help Please

I hope someone has some suggestions for me because I am at a loss. First off, I need to indicate that I am not new to growing. I have not grown in about 5 yrs or so but I would like to think I know what I am doing. I have began growing again and am having some issues. I ordered seeds online from a very reputable seed bank. Got a strain of Sativa, Indica and 50/50. Got them germinated ok, sprouting and replanted. They have been in the grow room for a week now ... the Indica is taking off but the other two do not look like they have made any progress AT ALL. In fact, the Sativa now appears to be dying. The temp, humidity and air circulation are good and I do not believe I am over or under watering. Could the seeds be duds or am I missing something?????
Oh hell ... I just think I fugured it out. I am thinking it could be an issue with heat. Still though , why would 1 be fine and the other 2 jacked up ???


Hopefully your soil is fertilized and not just sand, usually stunted growth could be disease, soil problems (pH issues) or underwatering. Check the soil to see if its damp, check the plants for signs of disease or parasites (mites,grubs, root worm etc.). Also you might have placed the sativa in too small of a container, sativa like to grow tall and needs deep roots to do so, indica likes to bush out and have roots that bush out as well. Some pictures could help as to define just what is going on, otherwise its like diagnosing someone with a cold because they said theyre throat hurt, they could have strep or a number of other underlying problems.


Well-Known Member
hold up... you dont give nutes to the plants till they are a month old and stable. two all dirt has sand in it as its added for drainage. so be careful what you read on other posts. the other thing is it helps to know what kind of lights you have and how close they are. how big pots are you using, how many times do you water. are you growing hydro or soil. do you have enough lights? theres so many things it could be but if you can tell us all that someone can more than likely tell you whats wrong
No, I have good soil and under/overwatering is not an issue. Disease and parasites are out ... all are in the same size container. Plent of room for what I am doing. I am going to try raising the light a bit and move them around. I am so frustrated lol If they do not look any better in the morning I am going to throw some more seeds in for germination and start over with the 2. Hell, I put a little bit of money and much commitment in it this time as opposed to when I grew with my ex and we were not fanatical about it like I am with this grow lol and our grows were pretty good. Ok, thanks for taking the time to respond. Peace.
No lol no nutes are being used and I am growing in soil. My grow closet is 4x4, 10 ft high. I am running a 400w mh and will switch to 400w hps for flowering. Originally I had the light maybe a bit over a foot from the plants. I moved it down a bit yesterday though. After they sprouted I moved all of them to 5 gal containers. I check them at least twice a day, putting my finger in the soil about an inch and water as needed. They dry up QUICK. I am running a fan and have the door cracked for air flow. Air can also travel over and under the door. Also running a humidifier.
It varies on how dry they are but I obviously wasn't watering enough. Got my girl involved and they were too dry and one was planted too deep. The other one we believe was a bad seed. She has a massive green thumb and is going to tend to them for me = ) I pulled them out and rearanged things and think they will be ok. I will give an update in a few days and let you know how things are going. Thanks a bunch ; )