Help please i messed up and got on probation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's extremely easy to pass a piss test. Google it, google suregel. Worked for me every single time. I would smoke before I went in. Still worked. have to do it correctly though.
How did you get 2 years probation for half a gram? Did you not have an attorney? Was it your first offense?

A little advice for anyone who might find themselves in a situation:

Always invest in a quality attorney and NEVER talk to cops. If you are under arrest, ask for a lawyer and shut up. If you are not under arrest then they cannot detain you. NEVER consent to searches. I am amazed at how many people consent to searches. The police are there to arrest you and gather evidence to make sure you go to jail. They are NOT your buddy and they can NOT "put in a good word" for you. Be polite but exercise your rights.

It never hurts to have quality character witnesses. Volunteering or otherwise giving to charity can pay dividends at sentencing. This is something you have to do before you get caught. This has the benefit of helping everyone out and shouldn't be looked t as just a self serving measure. If you volunteer, you will find that it makes you feel better anyway. A win-win.

As for urine testing. First, most prob officers have more to worry about than some kid who got busted smoking weed. Feel the guy out, be polite, always follow the rules and I would be willing to bet he's not going to break your balls if you piss dirty a few times . But you should get a feel for him first. If he seems like a hard ass don't test him. If you do fail a test, get legal advice. In fact I would get some advice about appealing your conviction anyway.

the last I heard was that mj only stays in urine for a week or so. Usually your tests are random but if you can find a pattern you might use this info to your advantage.
Quit smoking...take care of your kids. This stuff has been around for thousands of years, it will be there when you are off probation. Hell, it may even be legal by then. If you can't deal with life without smoking, you have other issues that you need to deal with, for your kid's sake.
First off you look like a fag in your profile pic!!!!!!This isn't a dating site dude!!I've already done 32 days in jail over this,and now they want 2yrs probation.I can do the time but make the punishment fit the crime.Guy's I think we have a NARC here.
Haha... I smell bullshit.. You didn't do no 32 days in jail and 2 year probation for just holding 1/2 gram... Must be more to the story. Like I said, u're a little bitch and not owning up to what really happened... Prolly a DUI with getting caught in possession... You are a crying little half truth bitch that wants sympathy. Awwwwww, poor baby :'(
How did you get 2 years probation for half a gram? Did you not have an attorney? Was it your first offense?
Most likely, and this is from personal experience, he took a deferred sentence... Which of course means, it is expunged from his record after he stays clean for 2 years - 2 years is the magic number when it comes to deferred sentences. Prolly shoulda just plead guilty to misdemeanor possession... Of course, something about his whole story isn't adding up - he obviously isn't admitting to everything that must have taken place :/
Most likely, and this is from personal experience, he took a deferred sentence... Which of course means, it is expunged from his record after he stays clean for 2 years - 2 years is the magic number when it comes to deferred sentences. Prolly shoulda just plead guilty to misdemeanor possession... Of course, something about his whole story isn't adding up - he obviously isn't admitting to everything that must have taken place :/

Sounds about right. Its called "Accelerated Rehabilitation" around here. They use it to get teenagers to cop to crimes and plead guilty rather than taking cases to trial. Less work for the cops, prosecutors....

Most of these cases are not worth the effort to prosecute. If you took it to trial, the DA would have been all "Look, just cop to misdemeanor possession of paraphernalia for that blunt wrapper we found in the pocket of your North Face, serve 10 hours of community service and let me get home to bang my mistress and do a line of blow before my wife gets home"