Help please i messed up and got on probation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Been in your shoes - stop smoking. That's the only 100% way to beat the tests

Agreed 100%

It's been over a decade, but I was on probation for a baggie as well, also 2 years but got off after a year. I had to check in 2 times a month, and I was tested atleast one of those two times, and then I had 4 randoms at my house over the course of a year where they just show up and check up on you. One of the randoms was just 2 days after I had just pissed at their office, so they are waiting for you to fuck up, trust me. And you better open that door when they knock, you don't have a right to privacy while on probation. Its basically prison on the outside, just do your time. And what if they knock on your door, or show up while you are in your yard and force a quick piss test on you, so much for that 1 hour bullshit cure then, huh? They will stake out your home waiting for you to arrive just to check your piss, its what they get paid to do and to many of them you are nothing but future jail bait so they dont give a fuck,

People are stupid, they should of had a limo service to take the fools who failed their piss tests to jail because there were so many of them, and I only saw what was happening the 2 times a month I had to go to the corrections office to check in, and idiot after idiot pissed dirty. They let me off because I didn't fuck with them and just did what I was suppose to do.

When you are on probation, they OWN YOUR ASS, so be careful.
Haha you're not gonna have to ANY trouble with not smoking in jail bro.

I've read a lot of place that weed isn't addictive lol but I don't believe it...I'm a seasoned smoker who wants his joints.

It is easier to quit than you think tho...Try it..And in times of dire stress, go with a cigarette and a few beers and get that placebo effect goin'.
Wont get you high, but the feeling of just smoking will help you bra.

BUT LEAVE THAT SPICE STUFF ALONE! I rolled a blunt of it once and though that after I'd smoked the whole stick inscence I'd be high...I was just fucking fucked.....And driving on that stuff is 10x worse than being wasted....

You'd think that the fed would get the picture as to what are and ARE NOT DRUGS...
You'd think that Obama would want to finance his Obama care somehow....ANYONE tell me a better way?
You'd think that we'd be legal as a nation already....But companies can't patent plants sooo......

Wont get you high, but the feeling of just smoking will help you bra.
And IF YOU ARE GONNA prepared to do so only within like the days after you piss test so you can piss it and sweat it out :joint:.

2cents for ya
Hey guy's Happy New Years Eve!
I caught a case for a half a gram in Wisconsin and they are FUCKING with me too hard.I'm a 20 year smoker and now they have put
me on 2 years probation.I have piss test drops every month.What can I do to beat this cause I haven't smoked in 46 days and Its killing
me.I need answers from guy's who have been in my shoes.I CAN'T FAIL THESE TEST!!!!!!I know some of you guy's have been in this
situation.I'm thinking of trying the Xxxtreme solution fake wiener.It seems way better than the Whizzinator.PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS:FUCK WISCONSIN!!!!!!!!!!bongsmilie

You're fucked
And if you try the fake weiner
You are going to get busted.
Also be start practicing taking a piss with some guy looking at you
Because that is your monthly protocol for the next 2 years
Hey guy's Happy New Years Eve!
I caught a case for a half a gram in Wisconsin and they are FUCKING with me too hard.I'm a 20 year smoker and now they have put
me on 2 years probation.I have piss test drops every month.What can I do to beat this cause I haven't smoked in 46 days and Its killing
me.I need answers from guy's who have been in my shoes.I CAN'T FAIL THESE TEST!!!!!!I know some of you guy's have been in this
situation.I'm thinking of trying the Xxxtreme solution fake wiener.It seems way better than the Whizzinator.PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS:FUCK WISCONSIN!!!!!!!!!!bongsmilie

honestly, i'd tell my probation officer that they thi is a ridiculous situation to expect a grown ass man to deal with
i smokes muh weeeeaaaaad it's what i does

seriously dude id tell the po i smoke weed and im gonna be filthyfuckindirty every single time you wanna wasste 40 bux to find out
what sentence was the 2 YEARS probation to avoid? like 5 days in jail

me? i'd go not smoke for 5 days and sit in the jail - phuggem
Hey guy's Happy New Years Eve!
I caught a case for a half a gram in Wisconsin and they are FUCKING with me too hard.I'm a 20 year smoker and now they have put
me on 2 years probation.I have piss test drops every month.What can I do to beat this cause I haven't smoked in 46 days and Its killing
me.I need answers from guy's who have been in my shoes.I CAN'T FAIL THESE TEST!!!!!!I know some of you guy's have been in this
situation.I'm thinking of trying the Xxxtreme solution fake wiener.It seems way better than the Whizzinator.PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS:FUCK WISCONSIN!!!!!!!!!!bongsmilie

do what my buddy did on probation... Since they give you a time to see your probation or they give you a time to come in... whatever the case may be you know the time... this is important because you can smoke right after getting pissed tested for a week and then go cold turkey for the rest of the month until your next test comes up... Thats what my buddy did before he moved with me to cali. Note: find out what kind of probation they are going to have you on... some people get them visiting their homes.. other people don't.

also, ask your probation officer how much time would you have to serve in jail to get off this probation. Perhaps you may only have to serve a month or two. it would be interesting to find out what they say... or... your other option is say fuck em all and move to Canada.
do what my buddy did on probation... Since they give you a time to see your probation or they give you a time to come in... whatever the case may be you know the time... this is important because you can smoke right after getting pissed tested for a week and then go cold turkey for the rest of the month until your next test comes up... .

The PO's know this trick as well
It's why they do the surprise Pops
The PO's know this trick as well
It's why they do the surprise Pops

I would figure such, but my friend who was on probation never had any surprise visits. Now if you are going to have surprise visits then I suggest getting rid of all of your drug paraphernalia and anything drug related and staying clean for 2 years. Get a hookah and make shisha your new best friend.
"You'd think that we'd be legal as a nation already....But companies can't patent plants sooo......"

Actually, you can patent a particular cultivar of a plant. Happens all the time. Let's say you have grown a particularly good plant of Sour Diesel. It's clearly better than all the others. You can patent that particular plant, give it a name (Sour Diesel "Bob's Choice") and no one can reproduce (clone) that plant and sell it without your permission (and paying you if you want). Under the law they CAN reproduce it for themselves if they obtained their original clone legally. They can give it to their friends but they can't sell it without your permission.
"You'd think that we'd be legal as a nation already....But companies can't patent plants sooo......"

Actually, you can patent a particular cultivar of a plant. Happens all the time. Let's say you have grown a particularly good plant of Sour Diesel. It's clearly better than all the others. You can patent that particular plant, give it a name (Sour Diesel "Bob's Choice") and no one can reproduce (clone) that plant and sell it without your permission (and paying you if you want). Under the law they CAN reproduce it for themselves if they obtained their original clone legally. They can give it to their friends but they can't sell it without your permission.

Hah, just clone it and then call it something else and say you stumbled upon it yourself and there's nothing they can do.

That reminds me of a story I heard about some female breeder who expects you to send her any male plants you get from the seeds she sells you so that you can't make crosses of "her" strains. All I can think about those situations is "LMFAO never going to happen".
Shrooms my man, they get you all stoned feeling and they don't show on piss test. Stay away from the woods there is shit out there that will eat you. Just got done four years probation with only a 1.5 month break. Thc clings to body fat and gets stored in your kidneys. So if you drink a very healthy amount of antioxidents(ie grape juice,tea,GREEN TEA) and then drink plenty of water everyday. What I did was smoke three out of four weeks in the month, on the start of the fourth week istarted to detox with green tea and water all week long pissing altleast 6-12 times dailey then come morning of the pitss test I pissed before the test once (to clean out the night build up) and not again till the test. Evrytime is passed. There was one time while I did this that the test out + they sent it off to they and it came1 back negitive. Follow the test I load up a fatty and go at it for another three weeks. Hope it helps some. Fyi I weighh around 130 - 150 lbs but if your heavy then thismight not work
First off I'd like to say thank you for all the response's!I'm gonna be on regular probation.No visits to my house.Well all I can say about this is Wisconsin is a very fucked up state.I don't even live there.I'm from Illinois.In Illinois I'm out the door with a fine and MAYBE a little community service(no probation).I do construction and that's the only reason I was even in Wisconsin.If I would have known that crumb of weed was in my car I would have ate it.THIS IS SUCH A FUCKIN JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!I have 3 kids that need Dad on the outside so I think I'm gonna just quit for 2 yrs.I will never quit smoking weed after I'm off paper.I truly believe weed is WAY BETTER THAN ALCOHOL,but Wisconsin produces more beer than any other state in the union.So that's probably why they are so mad?They want me to drink there nasty fucking beer and maybe kill a family driving drunk.It's so ass backwards to me!I can't risk it.It's just not worth it.I'd like to take my CLEAN PISS and piss all in there face.I'm upset as fuck about what this half a gram has done to my life.Thank's again guy's!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS:FUCK WISCONSIN RIGHT IN THERE STUPID ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can understand you being pissed off but really, ur the one that got caught. Don't do the crime if u can't do the time - u sound like a fucking little baby with ur piss in the face, fuck up the ass talk... How about you grow the fuck up and take some responsibility?
You always plead not guiltly and get a lawyer its expensive but that probation becomes unsupervised, at least it did in my case and I had much more than a half gram. Now you need to stay clean and be there for your children.
First off you look like a fag in your profile pic!!!!!!This isn't a dating site dude!!I've already done 32 days in jail over this,and now they want 2yrs probation.I can do the time but make the punishment fit the crime.Guy's I think we have a NARC here.
First off you look like a fag in your profile pic!!!!!!This isn't a dating site dude!!I've already done 32 days in jail over this,and now they want 2yrs probation.I can do the time but make the punishment fit the crime.Guy's I think we have a NARC here.

Think again more then 1
