Help on getting thc out quick

Alright so im going to get tested in two weeks exactly on september 1st and i need to come out klean ..if not im gona get busted again for sure ....not even a mabe..i smoke alot like at least a gram a day for the past over 4 years question is what can i do to get klean in two weeks wat can i do to help me get thc out of my system quick...its for a p.o ..not a job i cnt really pull of any wizanator shit or anything like that b cuz they tell me to lift up my shirt everytime i go to get teseted and they be on their toes making sure u dnt pull some funny shit....what can i do..take that will make me come out for sure klean ????? ..i apreciate any help ..


Well-Known Member
Take Niacin, drink Monster, Drink water, Drink Gatorade, Drink beer, Piss at least 30 times a day and run on a treadmill like a madman.


Well-Known Member
14 days should be plenty if you follow the posts above, depending on your body type and your body fat % you SHOULD be able to pass if you have only been using 1g a day.



Well-Known Member
Stop smoking IMMEDIATELY. Starting the night before your test drink plenty of fluids. There is no sense in starting any crazy clensing routines now. They don't work. Do you know anyone who works out who can give you a little bit of creatine monohydrate. Start taking 2g of that 2-3 times a day about 3 days before your test. It will help make your watered down urine the day of the test not seem so diluted. You want the urine in the cup as diluted as possible without it looking diluted. Start with some multivitamins and maybe a B vitamin supplement the day before and the morning of the test. Take the normal amount. If you take too much, your urine will be super yellow which is another sign that you are flushing and overdid it with the vitamins to make it look like you aren't flushing.


Well-Known Member
Brand: yogi tea
Product: peach detox

Its like 5 bucks a box and you can get it at most nutrition stores (similar to gnc) and grocery stores. id stop smoking 3 days before I seen my po and drink alot of water then the day before drank 2 boxes of the yogi tea peach detox. Morning of pee test id piss like 2-3 times before I went and never had a problem. It worked 14 months in a row and even got of probation 4 months early lol. This was in maricopa county under the infamous sherriff joe Arpaio's watch :). The day I got off paper I high tailed it outta that state and never looked back. Bastards charged me with something that another guy said was his and was in his car...

Your going to get tons of ideas on the topic, something that worked for one guy might not work for you. Good luck
I apreciate all the quick replys but i have a question how exactly do i take Niacin and were exactly can i get it.can i get it at savon?.are they pills ??....i weigh about 140 im real skiny .. Im 5,7 in homie gave me some pills a while back not sure wat they were ... i took them.. he said they were gona make me sweat alot and they were pills for detoxing ur system i took them and sure enough ten min later i had red spots all over my body and it made me feel real bad.. so im really trying to b carefull on what i take how much and if it works..has anyone personaly tried it..or knw someone who has ? just trying to make sure i do it right ...


Well-Known Member
I apreciate all the quick replys but i have a question how exactly do i take Niacin and were exactly can i get it.can i get it at savon?.are they pills ??....i weigh about 140 im real skiny .. Im 5,7 in homie gave me some pills a while back not sure wat they were ... i took them.. he said they were gona make me sweat alot and they were pills for detoxing ur system i took them and sure enough ten min later i had red spots all over my body and it made me feel real bad.. so im really trying to b carefull on what i take how much and if it works..has anyone personaly tried it..or knw someone who has ? just trying to make sure i do it right ...
You can get at GNC & Walgreens for sure, (ie. I work for alabama power & we have random test but the always lets us know the day b4, so wheneva i get home i always take 3 pills when i get home & drink water & then another 3 before bed & thats it) but remember drink water, & also make sue you get the 500mg & not those little pussy 250mg, its a big difference between the 2.


Well-Known Member
You can get at GNC & Walgreens for sure, (ie. I work for alabama power & we have random test but the always lets us know the day b4, so wheneva i get home i always take 3 pills when i get home & drink water & then another 3 before bed & thats it) but remember drink water, & also make sue you get the 500mg & not those little pussy 250mg, its a big difference between the 2.
Or if you get the 250s take 2x as


Well-Known Member
the majority of thc is exreted through the gastric tract, use this info, and a good laxative.

The skinnier you are the better as it is stored in fat.


Well-Known Member
The best way to get it out, is to retrieve it from where it went in (your lungs). Do a headstand and take several deep breaths, gravity will do the rest of the work for you.


Well-Known Member
this niacin shit dosent work i have tryed it man they make a drink they sell at the helth food store you drink it fill it up with water and drink the bottle agin piss 2 times and the 3rd time you piss you will be clean


Well-Known Member
this niacin shit dosent work i have tryed it man they make a drink they sell at the helth food store you drink it fill it up with water and drink the bottle agin piss 2 times and the 3rd time you piss you will be clean
i seen a lot of people give them selves away with niacin lol... theyd be going to their PO sweating like crazy and shit. niacin if you take a lot of it... burns.


Well-Known Member
yea it does i called 911 cause i thought i was gonna die lol my skin was burning they came checked my blood pressure and told me that nican would make the skin burn. i had a panic attack lol