HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant


Well-Known Member
Im just wondering HOW you don't know what the "white stuff" is? Also because you started 2 threads for same thing...I'm not a mean's just suspicious to me...are you a teenager?
White stuff is a word teenage girls use a lot these days.


Ya good idea just plant some more asap and call it a lesson learned...I can't be sure the cigarette thing is detrimental but their are many better options available, I sure wouldn't want to get sprayed with nicotine and chemicals! Also 18/6 is fine your plant should not be budding I have no clue why it would do was outside and it still only got that tall? Was it in the shade and clay ground?? Something just doesn't add up...start over with good Ph balanced soil, leave tap water out a couple days before use, and use a proper full nute line..that is all you need to do to start learning to grow..make sure you have no bugs inside before starting the new plants..oh and male sure you have enough light I forgot what you said you were using but I've used either 4 foot flouros or 100 watt compact flouros, make sure the bulb package says daylight on it!
Literally just took a snap shot of your advice! Thanks so much (:


Weed Modifier
so you originally have a plant that is flowering.
and you didn't want it flowering.
but now you want to keep it flowering.

just so we are all on the same page here. is that correct? lol


Im just wondering HOW you don't know what the "white stuff" is? Also because you started 2 threads for same thing...I'm not a mean's just suspicious to me...are you a teenager?
Well shit fire!
Lol I'm sorry for referring to it as "white stuff"
but that's exactly what it looks like! And OF COURSE I know what THC looks like I'm a daily smoker.
But I had no clue what the hell stage my plant was even in lol it's tiny!!!!
And I believe you (: I'm
19 turn 20 this Friday.


Lol, hahaha, i wonder where the term troll came from, the internet is strange, but only computer nerds would have came up with trolls. No offense to computer nerds of course. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hii, there was this guy who used to ejaculate on his buds to make them grow bigger (couldn't be bothered finding the thread right now) this guy might have 'come' into your house at night and ejaculated all over your buds! And can I be your friend because you look really hot, lol :)


Well-Known Member
hii, there was this guy who used to ejaculate on his buds to make them grow bigger (couldn't be bothered finding the thread right now) this guy might have 'come' into your house at night and ejaculated all over your buds! And can I be your friend because you look really hot, lol :)
Careful bro...she'll snapshot that comment.


Well-Known Member
Some strains flower at 18 6...really??I have never heard that nor seen it happen aside from autos can you give an example


Well-Known Member
hii, there was this guy who used to ejaculate on his buds to make them grow bigger (couldn't be bothered finding the thread right now) this guy might have 'come' into your house at night and ejaculated all over your buds! And can I be your friend because you look really hot, lol :)
So THATS what the "white stuff" is!!! PROBLEM SOLVED!! :razz: Beer for everyone (except the child that started this thread)


OMFG this is why I stopped helping noobs. Did you know some strains flower at 18/6?! Last chance, answer my ?s and we can help.
Lol don't get mad!!!! I'm lost!
I have people telling me to trash my baby. And then there's you! Giving me hope on a good sized plant still? Lol
Which I appreciate! But everyone's saying my plant is a runt compared to what it's suppose to be?


Because I'm not of "age preferences " of some doesn't make me a child.
Lol probably act more grown then most women of an older age.
(Wont go thereeeee) cuz it's not THAT serious.
Needed advice I appreciate you all(:
even the pricks w/ the "funny" comments.