HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant


Well-Known Member
Sorry bout your prob. You've made a lot of mistakes by the look of things. Very small for 9 weeks BUT alive! To revert back to veg put it on a 20/4 cycle with flouros within inches. It will take about an extra month or so to start vegging short cuts. If I were you I'd just start over honestly or just switch to 12/12 and finish her.

Looks like you might have a PH prob, deficiency, or those little fuckers set you back big time! What soil are you using, what do you use to check PH, what nutes do you have?


Active Member
Ill try 24/0 thanks for y'all's input (:
will most deff watch my baby for the next weeks on 24/0 and hopefully see that she's re-vegging
if all else fails.... My next post will be a sad one. Lol
Keep me updated please. I'd like to know how long it takes :)


Well-Known Member
Dude throw it out and start sprayed it with cigarette butts!!! think your pollen is you seeing the crystals starting to form now that it is flowing...10 Weeks old that should be a monster! The size it is I can attain within a couple did something hugely wrong


Well-Known Member
Dude...i'm not even the one that posted that I was sticking up for the guy that did because you felt the need to call him a dumb ass..that was unnecessary


Well-Known Member
im an admin. im not instigating im telling her to please only make 1 thread, and let her know that both threads were merged together.
Uh oh. Am I in trouble lol. Just feal bad for noobs hearing the same thing when they're just worried bout their babies. Sorry.


Dude throw it out and start sprayed it with cigarette butts!!! think your pollen is you seeing the crystals starting to form now that it is flowing...10 Weeks old that should be a monster! The size it is I can attain within a couple did something hugely wrong
But I read that to rid my plant of the bugs it had to spray it with the water that the butts soaked in?
How did that cause harm to my plant?
I'm now actually tempted to just finish her off put her on 12/12 get something out of her and then re start :/


Well-Known Member
Your growing weed and you don't know what the "white stuff" is? It's the sole purpose of GROWING weed...are you really a noob or are you trolling? Just saying...2 threads for same question, you just joined the site...smells kinda funny over here...


Your growing weed and you don't know what the "white stuff" is? It's the sole purpose of GROWING weed...are you really a noob or are you trolling? Just saying...2 threads for same question, you just joined the site...smells kinda funny over here...
I'm a noob! Lol believe me or don't buy I swear I'm lost and I "just joined" because google sucked as a resource and I found this website. Wtf is trolling???? Lol
honest person looking for honest answers. I have twitter / Instagram / Facebook/ path
(all real accts)
if "trolling" means fake? o_O


Well-Known Member
Ya good idea just plant some more asap and call it a lesson learned...I can't be sure the cigarette thing is detrimental but their are many better options available, I sure wouldn't want to get sprayed with nicotine and chemicals! Also 18/6 is fine your plant should not be budding I have no clue why it would do was outside and it still only got that tall? Was it in the shade and clay ground?? Something just doesn't add up...start over with good Ph balanced soil, leave tap water out a couple days before use, and use a proper full nute line..that is all you need to do to start learning to grow..make sure you have no bugs inside before starting the new plants..oh and male sure you have enough light I forgot what you said you were using but I've used either 4 foot flouros or 100 watt compact flouros, make sure the bulb package says daylight on it!


Well-Known Member
I'm a noob! Lol believe me or don't buy I swear I'm lost and I "just joined" because google sucked as a resource and I found this website. Wtf is trolling???? Lol
honest person looking for honest answers. I have twitter / Instagram / Facebook/ path
(all real accts)
if "trolling" means fake? o_O
They're saying you look like a troll...jerks. Everyone learns the hard way. And again follow advice on my previous post lol. I'd like more info to help.


Well-Known Member
I'm a noob! Lol believe me or don't buy I swear I'm lost and I "just joined" because google sucked as a resource and I found this website. Wtf is trolling???? Lol
honest person looking for honest answers. I have twitter / Instagram / Facebook/ path
(all real accts)
if "trolling" means fake? o_O
Im just wondering HOW you don't know what the "white stuff" is? Also because you started 2 threads for same thing...I'm not a mean's just suspicious to me...are you a teenager?