Help needed !

Listen... you can totally save them. In fact, it will only take a few days before you see a difference. I have done EBB & Flow for years and I can give you all kinds of advice, but the only two pieces of advice that I will give you is 1) follow the instructions on the nutrients that you're using to a T and 2) Don't ever listen to your friends without researching it yourself.

Okay... I lied... a little advice:
As for reading your water... get a BlueLab pen. They read everything. The run somewhere in the $75 range. When you change out your rez... do a reading on the water prior to adding anything to it because of chlorine, etc. that is already in it. You can also steep the water which will naturally remove chlorine and some of the other elements that tamper with your Ph. I'd recommend eventually investing in an osmosis filtering system, but figure the water thing out first. Good luck!