Help needed with sprouts!!!!


Well-Known Member
Are these alive? lol

I just put them under lights today and the first one (first 3 pics) is kinda tall but the leaves haven't spread open yet, the shell actually just came up last night with my help. The second one (pic 4) is long but laying down, and the third one (pics 5 and 6) is very short barely above the dirt but it looks like the leaves are kind of spreading I guess????? The soil is pretty dry too is it ok to water them in this stage?



Active Member
Hey dude,not sure how much help i can be but i'll try.....did you germinate first or just whack em in the dirt? What soil.mix are you using? If there's built in nutes i.e miracle gro potting comost then it is safe to water them but i'd reccomend about 1-2 table spoons of water at most. It does look like your soil is very dry but without knowing what yr using i couldn't say for sure. What kinda light you using and are they directly beneath it as it looks like they're stretching towards iy kinda like its off to the one side. As for the shell husk,some people have 2 different views,i personally don't see any problem using a spray mister like you get for yr house plants to coax them off but only if they're needing that final push. You could try misting them a couple of times to see it that softens the casing up alomg side giving them a wee drink. I'm a newbie myself si all this is just what has worked for me and is no way backed up by anyone but me.....(little tip that i've been told by countless people on here is not to help them thru the soil let them build their own strength to do it under their own steam. )Are your light cycles constant if you've even moved from 24 hours on that is. I don't have much experience but i am away to harvest my first single plant grow under cfl.s all the way and a grower friend reckons i'll get about an oz and a half two 2 oz. Gimme whatever info you can,like type of light,soil strain etc and i'll either try and help myself or ask a cupla other forum members who have really helped me drop by for a looksie! Hope i can be odf some help yo ya some how. Peace bro from the Fragglepop!


Well-Known Member
I germinated using the paper towel method. One of them is in a type of promix/starter mix and two are in FFOF. I am using a 150w HPS and I just moved them over so they are directly underneath it. I just put them under the lights today but its on a 18/6 schedule. They are some free seeds from the tude dinafem critical+.

I already worked out a heat issue by adding another fan and it stays at a constant 80-83 with the light on.


Active Member
I already worked out a heat issue by adding another fan and it stays at a constant 80-83 with the light on
Bang goes my thory that you mighta cooked them then,only thing i can hink of is go back to 24/0 for now and keep the light about 18 inches away while they still be so young,i'll ask a buddy to have a look at yr pics,cos in my opinion he's a legend,never given me bum advice yet,How big is yr grow space?
spray them with water dont pour it. keep the light around 2 inches or so above ur plant .change ur light cycle to either 24 or 20/4. im 2 weeks into vegging and my plants healthy as shit. and evrything i told you is wat im doing =]. so good luck. also put a fan on so tht it blows on ur plants(acts like wind) itl help strengthen the stems


Well-Known Member
So you think these things are still alive? When I see other ppls sprouts they have a set of leaves when they are that tall
il tell you. mine is 2 weeks and yours are taller haha. its just cus ur plants r stretching cus the lights to far away. and yea if there still standing then there alive :P


Well-Known Member
no keep the light u have. adjust height as necessary. those seedlings have to be watched two or three times a day. are you preparred for that? you said your soil is dry. it may be but the little seedling only reaches an inch down so keep that moist and give it more water as it grows. dont fert!!!


Well-Known Member
Couple of probs here, hps is too close, try 4' away at this stage with high intensity light. Also bro those 'free' seeds are crap, they have no vigour and dont be suprised if the ones in pics1-3 follow thier brothers /sisters and collapse and die.
Keep the medium damp not saturated and hope for the best.
The soil looks too dry. This time around try keeping the soil damp below the first inch or so down. The top soil that is exposed will be dry but it must be moist for the tap root the grow new roots. Foliar watering daily is good at this stage. They will stretch a bit under a HPS or MH because they are so far away but this stretch will taper off as they grow, don't switch to CFLs as some have suggested.


Active Member
Have a feeling the ones you have in the FF are fried!!!!!!

I germinated using the paper towel method. One of them is in a type of promix/starter mix and two are in FFOF. I am using a 150w HPS and I just moved them over so they are directly underneath it. I just put them under the lights today but its on a 18/6 schedule. They are some free seeds from the tude dinafem critical+.

I already worked out a heat issue by adding another fan and it stays at a constant 80-83 with the light on.