Help needed with sprouts!!!!


Well-Known Member
I just bought a spray bottle to mist often would you recommend misting them? This one is in FFOF soil.

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Well I have a 150w HPS thats like 14 inches away right now
Thats too much light way to close for seedlings,you need to bury the stems on the ones that are still alive and they will live.Looks like one or two might be dead but the others can be fixed.Bury them up till the seed or leaves are right on top of the soil,then spray with water for the first week or so and back way off that light or get some fluros,just keep them moist all day maybe three or 4 sprays a day for the first week


Well-Known Member
I backed the light way off and bought a spray bottle so I can mist them, and I did put more dirt in the cup to cover up the stem to almost the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I just checked it and the 2 leaves that look like leaves are opening up some more they aren't all scrunched together.


Active Member
I would as some people have suggested vegging with cfls. all you need is one decent daylight 35 watter for one plant and maybe two tens for side lighting and you get tight as hell node growth cos you can keep the bulb so close,then when it's time for the flip get a cool tube and inline extractor and watch them shoot up.......thats how i did mine and you should see the bud sites already. I'm only really a newbie myself but hps and mh are way too harsh for seedlings and remember to give it a tablespoon to a tablespoon and a half of water everyday.......just my 2 bobs worth like it's worked perfectly for me twice now. Good luck amigo!