Help! my seeds aren't germinating

i put them in water for about 48h and they cracked open (redish inside) now i put them in a papper towel for 8h and still no change.Should i just plant them in or what HELP?!? (northern lights automatic ferminised)(royal queen seeds)


Well-Known Member
They might have drowned. Yes, put them in soil and cross your fingers.

I don't soak, just paper towel. Most say just to sow in soil. Good luck

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say this but, you drowned them.
I'm not a fan of "soaking" as you can get exactly what happened to you...

Next thing is; NEVER use distilled water to soak in. It contains little to no dissolved oxygen. The same can be true for any water you let "sit" out and not run a "bubbler" in.

The other problem you had is you let them sit in water longer then 24hrs. To ME that's just asking for failure....
When I pop seeds, I do the straight paper towel method.

The other thing I like to do is the old school H202 (hydrogen peroxide) added to my water trick......I remember my parents doing this when I was a little fella, for hard to germinate seeds that take longer soaks like Beets.....I still do it today.

Take 1 cup of tap water and add 1-1/2 tsp of house hold 3% Peroxide to the water.
Wet your paper towels to nicely damp - NOT dripping wet (wring them out a bit)
fold so it fits a Rubber Maid or Tupperware, even an old butter tub and place your seeds in it. Fold over the PT and place in a warm (not hot - over 90) place.

You should have popped seeds in 24-48 hrs!

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Seeds should be able to break ground within 48 hours.

Take a small plastic container, put a warm damp paper towel in it, place seeds in towel, gently fold towel over top of seeds. Cover container to lock in moisture. Place on heat pad or table lamp to warm up. Leave it on a shelf somewhere.

within 8-12 hours seeds will crack open. Take tweezers and place seed into soil (root down, shell up) 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep. Lightly cover with soil. Place under 24/0 light.

You should have seeds breaking ground as sprouts in 24 hours of hitting soil. 36-48 hours maximum to go from seed to sprout.