HELP! my seedlings keep dying! (HQ photos)


Greeting friends, jombib here..

I have been trying to grow some new plants but I am having some problems, recently my grow room has become the hotel of small silver bugs which burrow under the soil, which I assume are gnats. whenever I try to grow seedlings they end up dead a few days later, some get lucky and make it above soil, the others die before the taproot breaks off the shell. I laced my water with mosquito dunks but no avail. If I got rid of the gnats with the mosquito dunks, what could be killing my seedlings? here are some pictures of a recently deceased B.H.D.

The plants are housed in a cabinet with good air circulation, temperatures averaging 78-82 degrees so I do not think it is heat stroke

Please help, i can't figure out what is killing my new plants :(


I am going to go out on a limb and say they're wayy too fucking dry.

You're should try to snag a photo of those bugs you're talking about, though.


Active Member
yeah, those are most likely fungus gnats, they are rough on the youngins.
I used Original Palmolive in a 1 to 10 water solution, and then covered the soil with about an inch of sand, I've also been told that a layer of perlite would work in place of the sand. Spray them down good with the mix for 2-3 days and it should cull the bugs pretty well.



K, so when you water you totally saturate the soil so that run-off occurs though, right? Peat pots it looks like, those pots should become completely saturated after you water... then wait for it to dry out some, but not completely like that. Let's say the soil surface and peat pot itself should dry out some, but again not entirely.


Well-Known Member
im goin agree with nullis those looked pretty dry and when i water i know some people measure their water but i go till i get run off those peat pots dry out fast