Help! My buds are drying too fast!!


Well-Known Member
The object (IMO) is to dry the buds as slowly as possible w/o allowing mold. I've always tried to do this in a cool, dark room w/a oscillating fan going (on low). Once the buds are dry to a gentle touch, I jar them, removing the lid as necessary until the stems "snap" instead of bending,shredding, etc.
At that point, the bud moisture is in the 10-15% range, which is considered perfect (as I understand it) . . . mold can't grow in 15% moisture (per the faq harvest advice)

Hope this narrows down any confusion you're having. My advice, buy some cheap clothes pins . . . it's easier than using duct tape/string, etc.
Enjoy your bounty!
yeah, i went out and got sum clothes pins, i learned that the hard way LOL.. but im really trying to dry as slow as possible.. i didnt even want them in jars this early, but the buds arent as big as the ones you all are used to, so im taking it the alloted time frame it takes you guys to dry in cure, i can pretty much cut in half... Imma letem cure for a good week, and if they get to dry, imma just add sum orange peels.. HA, then i'll prolly lie to people later and say i got some homegrown Orange Crush... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
To retain original flavor, I'd avoid things like orange peel for re-vitalizing. Try and stick to something from a pot plant, like a leave, piece of un-cured stem/stalk, stray tiny bud, etc.


Well-Known Member
Okay so i got a little restless and wanting to see what kinda bud i was working with, so i smoke a little... it was NOTHING like i expected..

I didnt even expect to get high.. i was zooted... Not a stupid high, but veeery mellow

It was the smoothest thing ive smoked in a LONG time, no real destinctive taste, but nice and smooth with a little kick on the end...

Smell, from the jar i grabed, it smell like good spicy herbal... the others still smell a little "plantish"

What ive done is put a lil ball of damp paper towel in the 2 jars dryest jars.. im goin to take the balls out in the morn, and then burp them again in the afternoon for about 5 mins... i'll checkem before i sleep, and if they are to dry, i will repeat the process until buds are covered in red hairs, and stems snap even throughout the bud..


Active Member
They are not drying too fast, a week is good, then to the jars.
The hairs do not change color during drying.
They are set on the plant. Typically buds harvested at the correct time
should have about 70% of the hairs changed from white to reddish brown.
A week of air drying 70 - 80 degrees. Then jars.
Open the jars and move the buds around gently so as not to smash up
the trich's. They get better over time in the jars.
Next time, try to let the buds fully finish.
I have grown some skunks as long as 11 weeks
The buds were extra dense and delicious.

Big country 541

New Member
Thanks guys helped me out to if the ladies are drying too fast just start curing them I figured it doesn't really matter how long you hang

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys helped me out to if the ladies are drying too fast just start curing them I figured it doesn't really matter how long you hang
Drying/curing is a chemical process that requires time to work. It should take at least 7 days to hang dry. Curing is optional but results in more potent, smoother burning, and fully flavored bud. Even just a couple weeks in jars is long enough to be cured well enough to enjoy IMO.
Most of the problems you are having (like that plant-ish smell and white pistils) come from harvesting too early: do not count off the days from flip to guesstimate a harvest window instead count weeks. Allow a week or so for transition to bloom phase & then start your count when white pistils are evident as day #one. Plan to give your plants a minimum of 10 or 11 weeks or longer before chopping.
The pistils first need to be almost totally orange and then will begin to recede back into the bud; the buds will then swell a bit and look almost like weed you would get in a bag. It's not ready to cut before it looks this way; never go by the seed sellers recommended flowering time. Go by physically looking at the color of the actual trichome heads with a scope at first if you need to so you have an idea what "done" looks like. They go from clear to cloudy to amber but not all at the same time. When you see mostly cloudy with a few amber heads here and there it's ready to pick when you are but even then you should take your time or even wait a few days longer to cut the plant if you can.
Some simple tricks to achieve top shelf quality dankness include:

1) wait to trim the sugar leaves until buds are dry. Trim over sifting screens or a glass window pane to collect any trichomes that may fall during handling.

2) Stems must "snap" before it is ready to go into jars. If the stem bends over without an audible snap it's not done hang drying yet. It should take 7-10 days to achieve desired "snappiness. Smaller diameter stems dry faster than thicker stems do but as long as it snaps it should be ok to jar.

3) Keep the plant as whole as possible when you chop it. Try to do just one single cut at the base of the plants if you can. Cutting the plant all into pieces speeds up hanging time which is the opposite of what you want.

5) Have no air circulation whatsoever in fact you should hang dry inside an enclosure that remains relatively stagnant while allowinc passive air exchange like in a grow tent or similar stucture. I hang dry inside an empty old stereo rack with shelving removed and a piece of thick black plastic sheeting tented over if. Works great.

6) Use your nose. A hay smell inside the jar indicates mold is present & the bud was jarred too wet. Open up the jars for like 10 mins and get a good whiff everyday. If you get a hay- like barn smell immediately dump out the jar and let it dry totally.

7) Learn to make hash or edibles from the loose lower nuggets. Sometimes only the top cola buds are worth hanging & curing to perfection plus concentrates or cannabutter will sustain you in hard times while you wait for your bud to dry

Big country 541

New Member
Thanks Richard but had to pull early bugs and didn't have enough light either but otherwise I like to go as long as I possibly can dry fast 3 days Jared up with suger leafs still on got to 65 humidity I would open twice a day till humidity got to 60 then closed and this would be 5th day curing I think and its at 62% so didn't open today except to check humidity planning on opening tomorrow a couple times