Help! My buds are drying too fast!!


Well-Known Member
Okie doke.. im really really really trying to dry these buds "by the book"... ive never properly dried my buds before... after 3 days went, i was rolling up... My buds have been drying in a closet since yesterday morning, its 77-80F in the room... 77 is the lowest its gonna get... i have two fans (not blowing on bud) and a air purifier... The biggest buds are about the size of two average thumbs side by side (best analogy off the top of my head!)

Alot of the smaller buds have alot of space between em, and are complety dry, even the bigger buds feel crispy... BUT the stems still bend, not snap... also all the hairs arent red yet.. Does this mean its too early, or should i move on to the mason jars?

I read sumwhere about wetting buds with damp towel, and let em dry somemore.. im just not sure if thats for real big buds, or my situation...

any help is well appreciated....

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Well-Known Member
keep drying they get crispy and as soon as the stems start to toughen up to the point where they feel like they might snap but end up just creasing, then to the jars and the rest of the moisture from the stems seeps out into the buds and no more crispy buds, had that same situation on my first grow and someone set me straight. but if theres moisture on the inside of the jars after a few hours you need to take the buds out dry the jar and then do it again untill no more moister forms on the inside of your jars.


Well-Known Member
keep drying they get crispy and as soon as the stems start to toughen up to the point where they feel like they might snap but end up just creasing, then to the jars and the rest of the moisture from the stems seeps out into the buds and no more crispy buds, had that same situation on my first grow and someone set me straight. but if theres moisture on the inside of the jars after a few hours you need to take the buds out dry the jar and then do it again untill no more moister forms on the inside of your jars.
Even if some of the hairs are still white and after just two days???

Most of the stems feel tough, and they are kinda creasing...
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Well-Known Member
you could add some humidity to the closet with a humidifier? don't know if i spelled that right, but anyways, or keep a bucket of water right under them and keep the doors shut that might help. but two days is kinda fast, i did mine for 4 days first time, didn't turn out too bad. the hairs don't really turn brown when drying, mine didn't they just kind of shriveled, but i picked mine about a week early too.


Well-Known Member
Your hairs are either still white bc of the strain or bc you harvested too early. I wouldn't worry about them drying out too fast. It's while they are sitting in the jars for a couple weeks when your smoke gets set right.


Well-Known Member
throw them in a paper bag and open them for 15 minutes a day. they will dry slower. then jar time. good luck:joint:


Well-Known Member
you could add some humidity to the closet with a humidifier? don't know if i spelled that right, but anyways, or keep a bucket of water right under them and keep the doors shut that might help. but two days is kinda fast, i did mine for 4 days first time, didn't turn out too bad. the hairs don't really turn brown when drying, mine didn't they just kind of shriveled, but i picked mine about a week early too.
I agree a humdifier can help to slow them a bit


Well-Known Member
F* having them dry slower, get them bastards dry and in the jar. Sooner you get that done the sooner you'll be hitting the smooth smoke.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the hairs because you will notice after full cure that the hairs will be uniform in color. Yea i would put them in paper sacks too.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the hairs because you will notice after full cure that the hairs will be uniform in color. Yea i would put them in paper sacks too.
Okie doke.. this is what imma do.. imma let them hang for now.. than in the morn, if they still look the same, imma put em in a bag for the whole day.. then fuck it, im jarring them... It doesnt really matter how long i hangem for, as long as i cure em correctly right? sorry for all the ?'s.. the FAQ and Jorge are so vaugue when it comes to this part


Well-Known Member
cant agree more on the bag method, just get one of those brown paper lunch bags and chuck it over the coat hanger. this should slow the evapoation rate for sure.


Well-Known Member
cant agree more on the bag method, just get one of those brown paper lunch bags and chuck it over the coat hanger. this should slow the evapoation rate for sure.
I took the buds off the hanger and put them in closed brown groacery bags... i put all the smaller buds in a jar last night, the jar isnt sweating, but the buds arent as dry as before.. guess thats a good thing, meaning they arent done yet...

You have to understand, curing is a very confusing process (no need to explain, i get the "jist" of it) I just dont see how anybody ever came up with the idea is all... I just want my plants to look like bud that ive bought from others (good bud that is)... Everytime i grew, my plants ended up looking like bud from a plant, not something magical you see in high times..

But anywho... this afternoon, imma do one of two things...

Im either going to take them out the bag and hangem back up, and just continue back and forth a few days

or im jarring them, and just keeping a close eye....


Well-Known Member
Okie doke... i put the buds in a bag like everyone suggested, and i dried them a little more... some branches were snapped, some wanted to, but just bended... The bigger buds i knw for sure need to cure for about a week... they are a bright dark green (does that even make sense?:confused:), and very fluffy... i think all in all, i may be shy on an ounce...

Some of the smaller buds still smell like dope already, but id rather cure until all the hairs are red, and it tastes like the ganja...

I gotta go to work ina few... imma check the jars and make sure theres no excess moisture before i go to bed later... I think imma be good...

Im think im getting the whole process a little better... curing is not a way to completly dry them, but is just a process to improve smell, flavor and smoothness of smoke? Correct?

So lets say i leave them in the jars a few days, and they stop sweating in the jars, do i then add the orange peels to remoisten the jar and complete curing???


Well-Known Member
The object (IMO) is to dry the buds as slowly as possible w/o allowing mold. I've always tried to do this in a cool, dark room w/a oscillating fan going (on low). Once the buds are dry to a gentle touch, I jar them, removing the lid as necessary until the stems "snap" instead of bending,shredding, etc.
At that point, the bud moisture is in the 10-15% range, which is considered perfect (as I understand it) . . . mold can't grow in 15% moisture (per the faq harvest advice)

Hope this narrows down any confusion you're having. My advice, buy some cheap clothes pins . . . it's easier than using duct tape/string, etc.
Enjoy your bounty!