help me solve this problem.

Feel like chem is easier . However I want to end the organic vs chem debate so I decided to go organic . Say for instance if I ever want to switch to chem from organic which I already have the necessary equipment for would that destroy everything ?
On the microbiological side, yes. You will completely destroy any micro biome you have established. You plant won't need them as the chemical nutes don't need any breaking down but everything you have going right now will change. Chemical nutes kill micro biomes. Even the Ph adjusters will kill off your biome.
Ya, that's great stuff. I've used it. Now I just make my own from stuff from Build a Soil.

You can get $5 off if anybody wants anything from them if you go through this link.
Feel like chem is easier . However I want to end the organic vs chem debate so I decided to go organic . Say for instance if I ever want to switch to chem from organic which I already have the necessary equipment for would that destroy everything ?
Sorry for the jokes, but I thought the nitro thing was funny. Like Cow Mag. I'm just a dork I guess.

Anyways, I would avoid using chemicals if you want to keep your soil life happy. I grow organic so I'm biased though.
Man... Organic..Drop all that PH business..I've been thru literally THOUSANDS of dollars on every nute and snake oil back and fourth up and down..It's such a waste..I use fox farm soil..One part ocean forest 2 part happy frog lil kelp meal ..blood meal and fish bone meal mixed in.. Nothing but water..first month...Then I hit em with teaspoon of calmag once a week and a dash of liquid about two months I top dress with some dry bone meal and bat guano a small dash of molasses in the water..after that month back to straight everytime flawless..Note..some strains require more calmag but that's it....Calmag is your friend. Overthinking not necessarily's just a weed
Ya, that's great stuff. I've used it. Now I just make my own from stuff from Build a Soil.

You can get $5 off if anybody wants anything from them if you go through this link.
Actually just bought this , thanks for the code . any idea how long it takes to get here ?
What soil would you recommend they are about for be transplanted soon in a bout 2 weeks I’ll say . Maybe less .
Fox Farm can work fine, you will just need to give it some additional nutrients down the road.
If you up-pot you will be giving a lot of nutrients there. If it is going to be a while I would make an EWC tea or something and feed it once. They looked like to me they were ready to up-pot personally.
If you want something lower maintenance you could do a living soil when up-potting like Sohum.
What soil would you recommend they are about for be transplanted soon in a bout 2 weeks I’ll say . Maybe less .
if you have ff left it will work. rootsorganics is nice and easy to find. I use build a soil 3.0 and lite. people will say dont buy it mix your own but not everyone has the time and space etc.

good luck
Haha padawan im still in training in my areas but a green thumb of knowledge n developed kylar ren when it comes to passion ;) in downey area so many businesses need my marketing.. trying to find business owners
I had wannabe ask me if i needed anything..nothing smh