Help Me Solve This Problem (First Grow)


New Member
i tried to help him took him under my wing when he joined then let him join my group then he was attacking my friend in same group and others on riu so we voted and kicked him out then he tried to mess with me till he was begging for a truce so i let him go to grow up to be a big fish but i think he died cuz since then he has been stinking up threads with his hatred i told him from very beginning that attitude wont fly with others here but he doesnt listen


Well-Known Member
What group is that? Are there chicks?

He is done here in the hospital area I wont leave him be if he tries to get on.


Well-Known Member
I hear you, it takes a lot for me to get involved but every thread i see he has posted misguided information and been really bad tempered, he makes sparkafire look like a pussy cat in comparison! Sorry sparky i couldn't resist the pun!lol!


New Member
it was a group started to deal with guys like this when mods wouldnt give us any help and we tried to help site had 19 members but we shut it down this morning when i got banned and they all left riu

i have reported sent emails idk what to do but im fed up
and never see problems took care of just petty stuff

What group is that? Are there chicks?

He is done here in the hospital area I wont leave him be if he tries to get on.


New Member
it was a group started to deal with guys like this when mods wouldnt give us any help and we tried to help site had 19 members but we shut it down this morning when i got banned and they all left riu in protest

i have reported sent emails idk what to do but im fed up
and never see problems took care of just petty stuff

and yes we had chicks so riu lost 4 chicks but we talk on another site

What group is that? Are there chicks?

He is done here in the hospital area I wont leave him be if he tries to get on.


Well-Known Member
I won't befriend him as i am a bit of a lone wolf! Ow ow owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Just feel mean on the kid, growing weed is the last thing someone with anger issues should do, probably turn schizophrenic after a few more joints! I don't know, i have a lot of patience and kids so i can relate to his problems, such a shame he hasn't sorted it out!

This group, are there really chicks in it?lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Fab how many infraction points do you have? I gues the question is how many points does it take to get banned?


New Member

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I won't befriend him as i am a bit of a lone wolf! Ow ow owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Just feel mean on the kid, growing weed is the last thing someone with anger issues should do, probably turn schizophrenic after a few more joints! I don't know, i have a lot of patience and kids so i can relate to his problems, such a shame he hasn't sorted it out!

This group, are there really chicks in it?lol


Well-Known Member
Hot damn there are chicks in it, bushybush sounds well hot, no guessing as to why she is called bushybush!


Well-Known Member
They really need a pop up chat window like Yahoo on this It would make these threads so much faster and cleaner


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it, peacefull kids thread is getting longer and longer! Suppose he will delete all this later thus keeping it clean!lol


New Member
rene,msbotwin , mellokitty ,momapug are the chicks
well were they all left the site over what happened
they were my friends and all gone
makes me sad

so im a little angry right now so kid better take thats as the last warning he gets from me


Well-Known Member
He made chicks leave the site! He should get banned for this! I am starting to see the full story now. I'd rather have chicks than Peacefullkid! Why wont the mods delete his account? He has probably done this to other grow sites as well! What a douchebag!lol!


New Member
no kid wasnt involved or on that thread it was a mutiny of the site
im just saying cuz of my feelings now as a whole is
dont fuck with me i wont fuck with u
but u fuck with me well u know how that story ends

He made chicks leave the site! He should get banned for this! I am starting to see the full story now. I'd rather have chicks than Peacefullkid! Why wont the mods delete his account? He has probably done this to other grow sites as well! What a douchebag!lol!


Well-Known Member
i tried to help him took him under my wing when he joined then let him join my group then he was attacking my friend in same group and others on riu so we voted and kicked him out then he tried to mess with me till he was begging for a truce so i let him go to grow up to be a big fish but i think he died cuz since then he has been stinking up threads with his hatred i told him from very beginning that attitude wont fly with others here but he doesnt listen
dude i didnt beg, i just said i was sorry. second bro when i was with yall,i didnt bother to help anyone really that much,ever since i left i been helping out others out with the info i alraedy knew and the info yall taught me,mainly you and i gotten rep for that,but out of nowhere i show my true colors of my real life,about the time machine thread,that i love science,out of no where i got shit talkers,i ask for help these guys i never seen before start talking shit, and he brought his friends n it got worse so i never went back to check the thread, i try to deal with sparka by dealing this like men,if he gives me his adress,cuz i got friends n family in San Diego that would do anything for me cuz ima cool ass person.
Last thing,your friend started all this Bs the big girl rene,just beacuse i said this type of Dirt,yeah dirt, didnt work out for me she went all bitchy on me,and u got mad i guess becuz i went back to the thread to talk to the other group membas. Then everybody got against me,nothing new to me and thats where it started. And to King1 no this is my first site ever to join of growing weed n having all these forums n stuff i think this is the coolest site ever, but some ppl ah man i just wish they lived in my city i would fuck them up soo bad.