Help me save them....


Active Member
did u try adding hydrogen peroxide to your water? as it increases the amount of o2 to the roots straight away ive had plants lookin like your ones in pic (02-24) ,they lived, id agree with hearmenow to all the transplanting would not of helped ,if they do die -im sorry for ur loss- been there-
ive heard of watering with carbonated water but peroxide???

id find a healthy limb and cut a few clones man. If they survived then itd be better than starting from seed.


Well-Known Member
I have good ventilation and the temp stay below 30c. During this time I am going to shut the side lighting off during the heat of the day and just use the HPS from on top.

I check this morning the the first two I translated are looking a little better, but their leaves still curl up on the tips as soon as they gain any size.

Water in the pot is doing better. I gave them just a little water this morning as they were finally dry. Hopefully ther will be enough improvement to share some pictures tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
BTW: I have 5 clones grow from them right now. I thought of this when they went sound in the first place.

The clones did not do as well as they usually do, but they are making it. The growth which was on them when I cut them is not dead, but they have new growth which looks pretty good. They are under the humidity dome now.


Active Member
yeh i add about 1-2 ml per liter of water of 3% or 6% solution it works a treat on root rot and over watering as as u probly know its the lack of o2 down there thats the problem , the hydrogen peroxide releses its o2 in to the water on contact, and the roots love it


Well-Known Member
Harvest time,

To all those who helped in this saga, thanks again. One female survived out of them all. Lesson learned though. More Perlite and no more Miracle Grow anything. Especially soil. I am Fox Farms all the way now.

One plant, flowered 11 weeks. 3 1/4 oz green and trimmed. I will let you all know how it smokes. :D Thanks again for your help. Especially Baby Gro.



Well-Known Member
One plant, flowered 11 weeks. 3 1/4 oz green and trimmed. I will let you all know how it smokes. :D Thanks again for your help. Especially Baby Gro.
Grats on your harvest dude, 3 1/4 - nice going! Happy toking!

Welcome to the help btw - delighted you got something out of it and most importantly of all - learnt from your mistakes :)