Help me please!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Ok so I am new and growing a lil bit of pers. First time grower (well I did grow once when I was young outdoor, and Finished it at home), but this is my first time indoor. I made a huge mistake, I did not give enough veg time to my plants, and switch to 12/12, well I was wondering if I should just go back to veging the plants has been on 12/12 for 5 days, Can I go back to veg them? Please tell me? Or should I just keep going, one of my plant looks very Indica and I am worrying that it won't grow, ( I veged for only 1.5 to 2 weeks, I regret now but I feel trap if you will) Advice?

PS. I am growing with 250w that does both MH/HPS, and I added a 125w Warm light from sunleave. And all that is in a Daystar AC reflector. I am in Soil, and I really think I kind of fucked everything up by switching to 12/12 so soon, (I was impress with what people got when they did 12/12 from the seeds but I don't think my strain is diggin' it, and I was shooting for at least 3 oz so I could be set for a while....)


Well-Known Member
well my friend you can breath easy...its all up to you. i have flowerd plants as small as 4 inches..they always grow much bigger durring flowering anyways. however it is not a problem to switch back.. growers do this often to determin the sex of the plant. you will be okay either way..its really all just up to you. but its not a problem