help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
if it has this it's fem these are pre flowers , if it has balls you got a male, and yes I am sure.... does your pant have these?


Well-Known Member
uve seen the pics so u would know.
now im just woundering when the hairs are going to come out :0)


Well-Known Member
be patient young skywalker. on one of my fems4 days after 12/12 hairs cam out, but the bigger bushy one took 7. But both plants had these pre flowers. Believe me This is my 4 th grow I knoe....


Well-Known Member
hey i believe ya guy.i already joined the dark side baby :0)
and so far its been a week old in flowering .
and im kinda glad that piece broke off cuz now i have a clone :0)
and i could make that clone if she stays alive i could make her a mother plant :0)


Well-Known Member
damn thats great makes me wish i stayed tryin to keep buildiing it up.
if i knew it gave ya a trophy or what ever for geting that i would of already had it :0(
hey i have a question? when i see the hairs and if i put it back into vegging for the first night how many days should i wait before i take some clones off it and after i take then off how many days should i wait before i put back into flowering?


Well-Known Member
ok cuz i might put back into veg and take a bunch of clones off her.
even might take 1 or 2 off the top to make her shorter and some from the bottom to clear out there for better lightage.i have like 15 or more tops on this plant :0)
more then enough to take some :0)


Well-Known Member
Did you spray the leaves with anything? Almost like nute burn..but not quite.. Is it getting worse..Are the new leaves doing the same? Sure does look girly...


Well-Known Member
another ya i sprayed the leaves with some garden fungicide shit but i dont think it helped
an ya i do think its geting worse some. and i think some of the new leafs are geting it too.ill look tomarrow when i wake it up at u think it might be nute burn?well should i give it a nice flushing?and wow now thats the 2nd person saying it looks girly.thats geting me happy :0)cant wait for those hairs now :0)ill be so ya do u thinki ned to flush her?


Well-Known Member
Auto AK from both Low Ryder and Lowlife... Also a mixed pack of auto seeds..going to breed them for seed..
I have some Lowlife Auto AKxBlueberry that I have seeded , they are decent but only have the main stem....not too branchy. The calyxes are fillin out nice but have no idea how much i'll yeild from em....hopefully round a zip a piece... Think Im gonna order a seed from that site someone was talkin bout before of some Hog or some PPP or some Big Bud (havent decided which yet)...lookin like HOG to try and increase yield and potentcy. HOG beans are so damn expensive so Im glad I can get just 1.... doesnt matter if its male or female. If its male then I'll collect some pollen, if its female I'll cross it with some Blueberry pollen I already have.

You have any pics of ur grows?

Sry clowdy not tryin to hijack rest on this will be in PMs less u wanna read about breeding ;)
BTW doesnt quite look like nute burn on ur leaves since its just 1 could be the start of nute burn I guess... looks more like a light burn, or somethin else like the fungicide spray to me.


Well-Known Member
its on more the one leaf.and i already sprayed some fungicide spray on the leaves and it didnt help.i have less the a half hour then ill wake it up.


Well-Known Member
well on the top where i fimed at the new growth up top almost looks like a few sacks or leafs dont know really and the pics that ive been showing is still only 1 sack that u said looked like fem.i have more pics i just took of the leafs that look bad.
plus i just now flushed the plant in the tub :0)


Well-Known Member
well on the top where i fimed at the new growth up top almost looks like a few sacks or leafs dont know really and the pics that ive been showing is still only 1 sack that u said looked like fem.i have more pics i just took of the leafs that look bad.
plus i just now flushed the plant in the tub :0)

pictures of what your talking About!!


Well-Known Member
heres some pics of what could come out. crap cam for close ups :0(

