help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
those sound like a good mix nice babyies:0)
ow ya for some reason i have a fillin this plant is a male.
i still dont see the hairs :0(
i wish i could get a good pic of this shit :0(


Well-Known Member
well up on the new growth.i see sacks a couple right next to each other in a couple spots :0( so im thinking is a male :0(


Well-Known Member
i know i seen thats great :0)~
damn this sucks :0( i wish it was a hermie atleast ill get something out of it :0(
Yeah I think I might have throw away plants because the had to many sacs that really just were hairs before the pop out... just wait.. a couple days.. if its a hermie and you have no other choice then grow it out.. I would really like to see a over ripe hermie.. its no something you see every day...blah blah .. I need sleep....