Help me- Help FDD

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I actually think it's possible. If we had a donate button and indicator of how much money raised so far some of us could literally just come by, click and give whatever few $ they have spare instead of thinking up something complex and PMing lots of people.
I actually think it's possible. If we had a donate button and indicator of how much money raised so far some of us could literally just come by, click and give whatever few $ they have spare instead of thinking up something complex and PMing lots of people.

that im sure would take time to set up
which they dont have

but it would be nice like a easy button lol
or they could prepay for glass made by fdd and he can owe them the piece
and another crazy ideal maybe his wife could sell some his work here
maybe a auction?
I actually think it's possible. If we had a donate button and indicator of how much money raised so far some of us could literally just come by, click and give whatever few $ they have spare instead of thinking up something complex and PMing lots of people.

The difficulty is, not to keep beating the drum...but...., nobody knows what the charges are, what the bail is, nor what the alternatives might be. This is the horrible reality of how Americans live these days, but most still don't realize it and live in happy oblivion.

As I understand this situation, THREE PEOPLE, not just one, have been scooped from their lives, transported across the country, and are incarcerated without having been charged with a crime. Making it worse, it would appear any alleged crime they were involved with involved a plant.

There is no evidence of violence, death, weapons, or any intentional infliction of harm on a living thing.

Yet, it is impracticable to formulate a plan to help these people until there is some idea of what obstacles they are facing. Once they are charged, the energy can be focused on a specific solution.

People who know the names and have "standing" should contact their elected officials and demand accounting of the "disappeared". The rest of us need to stand at the ready to help how we can productively. Donations without a focus will only lead to hard feelings.
I'm gonna put out a jar at the BBQ. Come by & put in what you can.
I'll make sure it gets to Mrs FDD, & she can buy cat food with it for all I care. I think FDD would approve anyway.
If you don't feel like contributing, then don't.
I'll be happy to deliver what ever is in the jar

Good luck to all of them

lots of post get over looked for one reason or another
sure fdds gets more attention dont think it is a deliberate back turning

why dont u post link to these brothers in need in your signature or perhaps here if it is ok with site

i cant help money wise but maybe i could offer encouragement idk

I did'nt meen to quote pat he's 1 of the guys i was talking about.
PAT THE STONER needs $6,000 for his lawyer he already payed over 2 grand and he doesnt have any more money.
PLEASE HELP he is 1 of us.Felony posession in a backwards state.
Lets help him.
pm him for donations he has proof of the bust.
I did'nt meen to quote pat he's 1 of the guys i was talking about.
PAT THE STONER needs $6,000 for his lawyer he already payed over 2 grand and he doesnt have any more money.
PLEASE HELP he is 1 of us.Felony posession in a backwards state.
Lets help him.

well why the fuck didnt u say that sooner jk
whats he facing in his state ?
2 years or 5 yrs probation is their offer plus thousands in fees and drug rehab for medicating . I dont think I'm going to jail but the seat is hotter than I want it to be for sure . You know the medicine works when your symptoms become relieved from it . I'm so tired of a lying ass gov that fucks people who are sick , denies them medicine that works to pump them up with pills or it throws them in jail .
2 years or 5 yrs probation is their offer plus thousands in fees and drug rehab for medicating . I dont think I'm going to jail but the seat is hotter than I want it to be for sure . You know the medicine works when your symptoms become relieved from it . I'm so tired of a lying ass gov that fucks people who are sick , denies them medicine that works to pump them up with pills or it throws them in jail .

thats 2 years of no meds if that is 2 to the door
or 5 of no meds and piss test but u are spared prison which is a bummer trust me
i would shoot for a one yr sentence
I'm trying to make it go away . Then I can move to a legal state and not deal with the hassle . fuck jail . I'm a hardworking person , not a crook or criminal . Jail over weed is BS . What about my family if I go to jail , nobodys gonna feed them , thats my job .
I'm trying to make it go away . Then I can move to a legal state and not deal with the hassle . fuck jail . I'm a hardworking person , not a crook or criminal . Jail over weed is BS . What about my family if I go to jail , nobodys gonna feed them , thats my job .

if thats the case u got to go for the probation so u can stay and take care of your family just try to get it reduced from 5 yrs
I like how they fuck you with the laws and then offer to sell you back your freedom . Laws are supposed to protect the people , well were all the people including me . Interesting shit , not paying drug companies so wham now your a criminal . These fucks knew 35 plus years ago mj was a medicine that works . Only stuff that stops me from puking every morning .
Just to be booked, no bail for 21 days, appears to me to be long, but what do I know. I'm just not big on hanging a label on anyone when you don't know the facts and besides he's not the first or last to go down from here.
Yeah so many people are so quick to label a person especially someone they dont know. i never call someone the police unless i know for a solid fact.
2 years or 5 yrs probation is their offer plus thousands in fees and drug rehab for medicating . I dont think I'm going to jail but the seat is hotter than I want it to be for sure . You know the medicine works when your symptoms become relieved from it . I'm so tired of a lying ass gov that fucks people who are sick , denies them medicine that works to pump them up with pills or it throws them in jail .

Keep your head up man I got arrested for felony distribution in Pennsylvania a while back got set up for an elbow and was facing five years with possible gun complications but first offense good lawyer and being proactive got me 3 years probation, I got myself a 9-5 and did an outpatient rehab for a year leading up to my trial and played the stupid white kid who got caught up in what he was doing and felt invincible but now realizes how stupid he was routine

I'm on probation right now and get tested once a month but it's a mouth swab which only has a 3 day max window so I can still smoke the occasional j with friends, I'm just biding my time waiting to move to cali once I complete my community service
I would love to see more support for kmk and his girl, but I am def praying for all 3 of them and this messed up situation :(
FDD should've just dealt with people in state....DC just got MMJ and now the Feds can't fuck with other states....
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