HELP ME, Bucket Fucket

Ok..dumb rookie move, i put my girls in 5g buckets and never made drainage holes. So i went back and cut chunks, from the side of the bucket about an half inch from the side bottom. I noticed wet dirt comming out so does this mean it works?????

Or should i go back an attempt to make holes from the bottom??? My plants are well over 2-3 ft. How would i do this, i will take a pic tmrw of the holes, and its been raining all day n supposed to tmrw. I never tested it out, another rookie move but the dirt comming out makes me think the chunky holes will work


Active Member
this is in the wrong forum.
how is it in the wrong forum?Putting drainage holes in the bottom of a bucket with a power drill is DIY!People come on here for help,not to be put down by petty comments,even if it was on the wrong forum,wtf does it matter?A helpful comment is always received better than a snidey one.


Well-Known Member
dude your ok as long as you have a good water run off when you water it .. as far as the dirt coming out that could lead to bugs getting in the roots. so if you have some screen to wrap around the base of the bucket you will be fine. the hole are there for drainage so root rot does not occur. how big are the holes? another issue will be roots coming out the holes. you can always bury it in the ground about 6 inches and wrap the bucket with a screen to cover the holes and you good to go. KEEP ON GROWIN


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, just get a heat pen or a drill and stick some holes in that bitch, its not going to fuck the plants up. ultimately, help them like crazy. :)
Ok...i have an all purpose feed..mostly heavy on the big 3 but has iron,zinc etc... Should i use that or get something just for iron,mag,zinc???


Well-Known Member
i need some more background info. what type of water do you use have you adjusted the ph of the soil before you used it what type of nutes are in the all purpose. if its somethign like 20-5-17 you may have a trace lockout. post the exact npk numbers. however i will say this your plants dont look bad.water should be ph'd in the 5.9-6.5 range but since it is soil a simple buffer like a few tbsps of dolomite lime as a top dressing will alleviate any problems with ph you might have.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
lol can you not just wet the dirt and take the plant out, like you were transplanting it??.......drill holes......replace plant.... (screwdriver left atop the stove will work if no drill)


Well-Known Member
I used a soldering iron pen last night to make some net pot'£15.00 for an 8 inch pot...I'll make my own thanks...Got some polystyrene and a little tub.... Filled with an inch and a half of pH'ed water floated my pots cut into the middle of the polystyrene ...chucked in an air stone and good to go mini cloner .... super ballooning....I was
Ok guys the bucket problem is done, my gorrilla set up is done, now i need help on this. The past week n half i noticed the leaves changing, my older fan leaves are turning yellow. People been saying looks like iron,zinc, mag problem. I dont have money for good nuts so i had to use what was around my house. I have MG potting mix wich is 21/7/14 and i have MG all purpose feed 24-8-16 with micro nutes............ I have only used the food twice, i noticed the yellow fan leaves and i used 1/8 tbsp on both plants, So today i used a full tbsp on both plants, i mix with a gallon of rain water and share between the two...

i know 'MG sucks bad, but its all i have, what do you think, do you think i feed enough??? Should i give a full gallon to each??? I dont want to nut kill my girls with MG....

ps. these pics are from yesterday and today it seems like the plants have grown more shooters. So am i over worrying a lil??? Or should i keep feeding???



Well-Known Member
Ok guys the bucket problem is done, my gorrilla set up is done, now i need help on this. The past week n half i noticed the leaves changing, my older fan leaves are turning yellow. People been saying looks like iron,zinc, mag problem. I dont have money for good nuts so i had to use what was around my house. I have MG potting mix wich is 21/7/14 and i have MG all purpose feed 24-8-16 with micro nutes............ I have only used the food twice, i noticed the yellow fan leaves and i used 1/8 tbsp on both plants, So today i used a full tbsp on both plants, i mix with a gallon of rain water and share between the two...

i know 'MG sucks bad, but its all i have, what do you think, do you think i feed enough??? Should i give a full gallon to each??? I dont want to nut kill my girls with MG....

ps. these pics are from yesterday and today it seems like the plants have grown more shooters. So am i over worrying a lil??? Or should i keep feeding???

ok heres what you do. mix baking soda and vinegar will produce sodium acetate, after you do this pour out the water(vinegar left over from the solution) now mix the remaing sodium salt( the baking soda) with 3 tbsps of vinegar. you have now created a buffer of sodium acetate. buffers keep ph in a stable range in this case around 4-6. now we need to raise that potential up slightly take your buffer mixture and add it to a one gallon container, now add 2 tbsps baking soda to the container as well as water. water both of your plants with this slowly. the ph shoudl be between 5.5-6.7 and adding this to your soil slowly will help keep the ph in that range . you want to add this slowly so it stays on top as long as possible. you want to saturate the top 2 inches of soil with this, wait till it dries and repeat. do this once per grow and you should have a more stable ph range.


Well-Known Member
gosh youre helpful
My bad dood I was reading and trying to help and there was a huge like 4 paragraph spam post on here for a bit so my comment was to the effect of wtf is up with that weird spam post....then I ended up double posting accidentally.....and my gf and I were passing a big cheese hooter back and forth on top of it all.......Seriously my bad to the OP.