HELP ME, Bucket Fucket

ok heres what you do. mix baking soda and vinegar will produce sodium acetate, after you do this pour out the water(vinegar left over from the solution) now mix the remaing sodium salt( the baking soda) with 3 tbsps of vinegar. you have now created a buffer of sodium acetate. buffers keep ph in a stable range in this case around 4-6. now we need to raise that potential up slightly take your buffer mixture and add it to a one gallon container, now add 2 tbsps baking soda to the container as well as water. water both of your plants with this slowly. the ph shoudl be between 5.5-6.7 and adding this to your soil slowly will help keep the ph in that range . you want to add this slowly so it stays on top as long as possible. you want to saturate the top 2 inches of soil with this, wait till it dries and repeat. do this once per grow and you should have a more stable ph range.

So what your saying is make this, use it once, and it will lower/raise my ph to where it should be...hence the word stable?? So if my ph is off it will bring it back to norm?

If i get the ph back, it will stop the iron def lockout??
My bad dood I was reading and trying to help and there was a huge like 4 paragraph spam post on here for a bit so my comment was to the effect of wtf is up with that weird spam post....then I ended up double posting accidentally.....and my gf and I were passing a big cheese hooter back and forth on top of it all.......Seriously my bad to the OP.

Its all good, just beacuse of your avatar....


Well-Known Member
Its all good, just beacuse of your avatar....
Cool, I think your plants look allright dude honestly look a little N and Mg deficient to me....hopefully what you fed will green them girls up a little......if it gets worse back the new growth.......when time to re-up fert and you are pretty sure whatever in the dirt is all used up I would get some maxsea and epsom salts.....I find this the most cost efficient solution....for ph as well.


Well-Known Member
So what your saying is make this, use it once, and it will lower/raise my ph to where it should be...hence the word stable?? So if my ph is off it will bring it back to norm?

If i get the ph back, it will stop the iron def lockout??
yes let the sodium salt dry after you miox baking soda and vinegar, pour out the remaining vinegar and let the sodium slat dry. when its dry add 2 tbsps vinegar, mix well and pour ion a 1 gallon container, add 2 tbsp baking soda and the rest water. now water it slowly until the top drys and repeat. this will make iron mg zinc more available so yes. if not use some seaweed fertilizer or epsom salt or molasses has some iron too