Help!!!! is this thripes or something else?


seems to be only on older growth, new leaves look fine. i have looked all over closely and see no insect activity. this is a pineapple punch, i am in southeast texas where it is hot and humid and we have had a lot of recent rain, they are on a drip system that is off for the last week but will be back on tomorrow, they get about 1/2 gallon a day.

i have also been spraying with neem and a dissolved aspirin every 10 days or so. should i continue, or go to spinosad? i heard that was good for thripes and i used it for leaf miners on my citrus before the freeze killed them.

seeds were sown end of march, and i have had to give them several haircuts to keep them shoulder high for discretion. so 15 weeks old, if not flowering yet i assume it is photo period and wont do so until october? the seeds were Rx given to me from a friend who had them given to her so she knew nothing about them.



Well-Known Member
I would spray with something stronger like regular pesticide/fungicide for a couple weeks and remove the most affected parts of the plant.


thanks but i really try to stay organic, i am not an organical manical - actually closer to a gun-toting redneck than that - but i just like doing everything organic - my veggies as well as lawn. i'll try the spinosad for a couple of weeks and see. its just the spots, the rest of the plant is strong and thriving as you can see, would be 7 ft and very bushy now if i didnt trim back every week.