Help! I have pictures too


Hey guys... So Ive been growing for a couple of years now. I have had the normal problems like spider mites, mold and n deficiency which I have diagnosed and cured myself with no problem. So here I am cruising along with this crop, I'm a dirt grower I use pro-mix and I add perlite and vermiculite with a touch of miracle grow dirt in 3 gal pots, and I'm using a bad-ass 1k watt ballast with a digilux hps 1K watt bulb. I have an 8" inline fan with a scrubber. The room maintains 78 to 81 degrees in light and 55 to 65 degrees in dark. In veg I use fox farms grow big and bio root with pH up to maintain my pH to 6.0 7.0. I am also using and have been using my blue stick truncheon meter to monitor my EC which I'm keeping right around 1.2 to 1.4....PPM is between 600 and 700. I use CO2 and a dehumidifier. I water every 3-4 days as needed from my 30 gal aged water reservoir with bubbler in it. I like to let them get kinda dry as to not over water. I'm at six weeks into veg 18/6 on the light... I just turned my light on 2-1-14 to 12/12.... About a week ago. I was getting ready to thin them out and remove a bunch of leaves and I noticed some of my bottom leaves starting to curl and turn brown and die. . Next I noticed the plants were starting to turn yellow. I stopped all nutes and did a flush on them but it does not seem to be helping. I also had a brand new 1K watt hps so I decided to put it in as well Any help would be much appreciated. If I left out anything important please let me know......

This is what the bottoms are doing
This is outside in the shade to give a more true color... its hard to get the color right in photos in the room with hps.

This photo was taken in the room and the light is making it seem worse as its a hps bulb.


Well-Known Member

Usually a sign of improper ph..

How long has it been since you stopped using nutes?

I've not experienced this in soil, but did in hydro and once it starts its a pain in the ass to get it to go back. All in all she looks healthy and I wouldn't worry to much about the clawing.


just the last few days... and mp pH is checked before they get watered. It's usually right between 6.0ish never lower and 7.0ish never higher I try to fluctuate a bit as Ive heard it takes up different nutes at different pH levels.. I'm doing the same thing this round that I did last round. Same strains and everything, and last time no problem like this at all. The plants did almost 6oz each...


no I didn't check the runoff... damn that's a good Idea...I just watered this am, I can grab one and shoot another half gal of H2o thru it and see what im getting in the run off as far as the EC and the pH.


Well-Known Member
Even though your last plants didn't do it could be a different pheno. It may also be the fluctuation you have for your ph and the drop in temp between lights on and off. The temp drop would likely not have anything to do with the clawing and is usually the ph being imbalanced somewhere. I shoot for 6.8 always for soil.


sir Green thumb... if this was just one plant I would not even be on here.... Its all 4 in my lil grow acting like brats all at once


Well-Known Member
Ok, so it seems as though whatever you did you did it to all of your plants. My guess would be the mg throwing you off a little. Could it be possible that you used more this time than the last?
Have you tested your runoff yet? If not, you should do that first and since its only been a few days, I would water with ph water, you are still going to get some nutes from the MG soil when you water, but depending on how much you used for each pot it should minimal.. But its possible that is your issue right there is the MG throwing off your balance.

Not trying to sound like an ass or anything.. Just trying to help... Must just be how I come off. I just try to be as direct as possible.


no your not coming off like an ass.... I appreciate it ... I did just go check my runoff... the EC is 0.8 and the pH was just a bit below 6.0 the mg is the 3 moth feeding one that I don't use a lot of just enough to kick um a bit in the start and I'm careful to take that into the equation while mixing my nutes that's why I generally don get the EC much higher that 1.8ish through my whole grow.. I try to go a little easier than most on cranking up the EC


Well-Known Member
Almost positive that the 6.0 is your issue.

I think that 3 month thing is a estimate. I've used MG soil a lot, and I like the african violet mix.. I hate the bugs in it though, im using some happy frog organic this time, but the mg soil goes past 3 months... IME.


sooo you think I should just flush the shit out of um? and maybe put the light back to 18-6 for another week and start over with fresh nutes????


Well-Known Member
Nooooo.. No amount of flushing is going to get out the mg nute. If anything you'll add to the problem.

Has there been any slow in growth? If not, I wouldn't stress it. Get that ph a little higher and you should be good.. Looks like you have everything else dialed in.


soo my posts aren't showing up all of a sudden ... So you think I should flush the shit out of them? and maybe start over with the nutes?


I see um now... I'm on it ... and thanks for the input Ill keep ya posted on the progress through this topic