Help, How many problems do you see?


Well-Known Member
First Thanks for any an all help.

I had plant in small tent under a flour, lets just say they were not taken care of great. I moved into bigger nicer tent an under 1000 hps.

Should I change bulb to Mh while in this stage? I was just gonna get healthy and flower?!

Too much light? I didnt think was possible?

To much water is what I'm guessing!

I just transplanted into the ebb and grow and think I was watering to much.

I'm running Dynagrow and Hormex for the transplant, I added some AN grow as well thinking the yellowing was under nutes.

Temps are 75-85 tops. Ph is 5.8 PPM is 770

What do I need to do?

I cut waters from 5 to 3 times in 18 hours of light

Thanks alot



24 hr light imo and get some proper lighting get that CFL back in the room you are light shocking.
also thats a low ph 5;s ? i usly prefer 6.8 temps also seem kinda warm. :)

also whats the moisture % ? should try going for a higher humidity level at this stage and run a dehumidifier later on when the flowering starts. to get you back to 40-60% humidity or where ever you are happy at.

Best of luck :) i know im a stranger here still but hey seeing no one wanted to give you a hand i will give you the best i can.


how tall are you going befor flower ? "plans" kinda small buckets thats why i ask. Not super small buckets or anything but i like big buckets :D


Well-Known Member
I was just gonna get healthy and flower. Buckets are CAPS ebb and grow 2.5 gallon tent is 55x55x74

I'll cut the 1000 watt and throw the 4 bulb 4 foot flourecent back in till a little healthier looking? Thanks I'm guessing I should cut ppm way down as well with lesser light???

Thanks again anyone else????


Well-Known Member
Anyone I'm changing back to floros and dropping res anything else??

Help me out here I cant lose this strain


Well-Known Member
Thought nI'd get more help?????

Problems seem to slowed, I quit watering for 2 days then hit with a nice clean batch of rain water, gonna wait 2 more days then get back on a light nutrient solution.

When can I start the 1000 watt light again???


Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
You need to put them in bigger pots. Right now they are fine, but when they are ready to crop they are gonna be too squashed. Get a ph tester and check how acidic the water is that your feeding them. That could be a problem. Your set with lighting, so i don't think thats the problem although the light might be a little to close. 1000 watt light you don't need to put it two close. what are those little ball things in the pot?

Cpl. CornB33F

Active Member
they dont look that bad you can turn them around easy. ohh and what are you doing for your Co2? thats really important.


Well-Known Member
Too much light? I didnt think was possible?
Giving plants as much light as they would receive from the sun is not too much light.

I just transplanted into the ebb and grow and think I was watering to much
What were they in before you transplanted them and were they looking sickly before you did this

I cut waters from 5 to 3 times in 18 hours of light
Was that because you saw them starting to turn sickly?

Ph is 5.8 PPM is 770
Nothing wrong with those measurements.

Tell us a bit what you are using to ventilate your tent, where is the air coming from and where is it going to.


Well-Known Member
Pots are 2.5 gallon CAP ebb and grow system.

I just have a fan blowing the plants no venting as its never closed but going to vent light outta tent when I reinstall 1000 watt.


Well-Known Member
Yes I think over watering and transplatting stressedthem, it will take a few days to tell. I cleaned all dead and ugly leaves and gonna watch closely before hitting them with big light and nutz again.

I dont have co2 but thought about adding one of those self contain onetime usu buckets???


Well-Known Member
Also, with no intake and outgoing fans your plants are recirculating air which is also recirculating moisture. Your plants need new air which contains co2, and the moisture that is evaporating from the leaves trucked away from the plants and out of the room.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Those pots are tiny. You will probably run into problems with root binding or having them grow into your lines. They will still grow, just not very big.


Active Member
the pot size is fine, you arent getting enough oxygen to your roots or possibly the roots are diseased. you may want to add some 35% hydrogen peroxide to your res if your nutrients are inorganic. you say you water 3 times a day how long do the roots stay submerged? you should flood and drain as fast as possible. and get an exhaust dont worry about an intake as it will do it passively.