There you go as usual. Wait for shit to calm down and everybody to move on, then stir the fucking hornets nest up all over again.
Man. Don't you get it? You blew this all out of proportion. The op asked a question and some nice people gave him some advice.

No one was trying to freak the op out or be a dick. Just food for thought. Better safe than sorry.

Safety is a concern for me. I've worked around dangerous stuff all my life in the military and civilian sides. I've actually witnessed people die from the dumbest mistakes. I've seen people maimed for life.

Gif outlets only protect against ground faults and are a man made product that can fail.

With power going out without tripping a breaker bothers me. Either its a weak breaker that's not tripping right and that's dangerous or its a thermal relay that resets. I don't think those are in residential boxes.

Either way they both build heat. Anytime you overload a circuit you create heat even if the breaker trips.

Nothing wrong with taking literally a couple minutes to inspect things. It won't hurt nothing.

What is a gif outlet, a picture of one? Anyways, thanks for the semi-composed response but I don't consider defending myself from flaming blowing anything out of proportion. Asking if I am triggered without any indication, stalking my threads, telling me to f-off, none of this is acceptable. Nor did I ever disagree that SOMETHING was wrong and he should have it professionally checked. People stop, you are jacking the OPs thread and sending alerts everywhere with this nonsense.
What is a gif outlet, a picture of one? Anyways, thanks for the semi-composed response but I don't consider defending myself from flaming blowing anything out of proportion. Asking if I am triggered, stalking my threads, telling me to f-off, none of this is acceptable. Nor did I ever disagree that something was wrong and he should have it professionally checked.
Auto correct. Gfi outlet. Now called a gfci. All it does is protect against a ground fault. They fail. There mainly used around water to prevent electrocution.

The fuck off may have been a bit harsh. My main point was that fire hazard should be considered in the situation.

The easiest way to check the wiring would be to shut the main off if it has one and look at the first inch or two of the wires. It will be apparent if heat has been building up.

With 440 triple phase I always looked away from the breaker when throwing them. They have been known to pop and flash on people.

I've no shit seen a few people killed and get anal of safety precautions. Just some basic rules goes a long ways.
Auto correct. Gfi outlet. Now called a gfci. All it does is protect against a ground fault. They fail. There mainly used around water to prevent electrocution.

The fuck off may have been a bit harsh. My main point was that fire hazard should be considered in the situation.

The easiest way to check the wiring would be to shut the main off if it has one and look at the first inch or two of the wires. It will be apparent if heat has been building up.

With 440 triple phase I always looked away from the breaker when throwing them. They have been known to pop and flash on people.

I've no shit seen a few people killed and get anal of safety precautions. Just some basic rules goes a long ways.

Thank you, lets get back to his problem and leave this behind us. Good advice that was thought through and things to think about.
@whitebb2727 better back off, all these facts are gonna get him worked up an we have seen how he needs a safe space to not be corrected in. Watch out, youll be banned right after i am. OooOOooOoOo

Edit, wow he didnt get worked up. Improoving already! Something is getting through to him
Just like white, ive seen problems like this before. Nothing is a big deal, until its a big deal. And just because something hasnt totally failed yet doesnt mean it wont. Ive seen more than one ballast shoot sparks and catch fire, and ive seen outlets spit fire. Ive done this a long time and ive seen friends come an ive seen them go. Ive seen people lose houses because of a fire in situations like this. So yes, maybe im blunt. Maybe im harsh. But ive done this a long time and i dont just speak for no reason. Ever work on a construction site? They are full of people exactly like me. When there is a problem, the good guys point it out amd dont let it go. Its because we care, not because we dont care.
Just like white, ive seen problems like this before. Nothing is a big deal, until its a big deal. And just because something hasnt totally failed yet doesnt mean it wont. Ive seen more than one ballast shoot sparks and catch fire, and ive seen outlets spit fire. Ive done this a long time and ive seen friends come an ive seen them go. Ive seen people lose houses because of a fire in situations like this. So yes, maybe im blunt. Maybe im harsh. But ive done this a long time and i dont just speak for no reason. Ever work on a construction site? They are full of people exactly like me. When there is a problem, the good guys point it out amd dont let it go. Its because we care, not because we dont care.

You just can't leave enough alone and keep posting about me without providing solutions for the OP, other than saying the house is going to burn down. Stalking is not being blunt or harsh, it is being weird. Flaming for no reason is not being blunt or harsh, it is being a prick. Trying to bait others by asking if they are triggered is not blunt or harsh, it is childish. At least the last guy was able to say he was wrong by saying f-off, but not you. You are just here to flame out.
You just can't leave enough alone and keep posting about me without providing solutions for the OP, other than saying the house is going to burn down. Stalking is not being blunt or harsh, it is being weird. Flaming for no reason is not being blunt or harsh, it is being a prick. Trying to bait others by asking if they are triggered is not blunt or harsh, it is childish. At least the last guy was able to say he was wrong by saying f-off, but not you. You are just here to flame out.
Wow... i thought you had learned something an we were moving on. Check again. Here is the very first post i made, where i did offer a solution to the problem, that would let him continue safely.
You need you hire a electrition to fix this before your house burns down. Or you need to get a 220 box and run from your dryer outlet to your lights.
See what I am dealing with here... it eventually all comes out. He simply didn't like me disagreeing with him because he has learned it all and turned it into this. Sorry OP your thread turned out this way, he won't stop calling people out and flaming them.
Dude... Your a TOOL. And I am a sparky.
Dude... Your a TOOL. And I am a sparky.

Nice addition to OP thread, was very enlightening. Another useless alert from a troll, pretty sure you were one of the original flamers who piled on for nothing. Take a look at your earlier post, says enough about you and those liking you (the one, surprise).
Uh, I never said don't do anything so read again with that fancy degree of yours, the only thing I ever provided was what was going on load wise when he plugged things in (which was kind of just repeating what he said as he didn't seem to understand). To assume the system is overloaded in the first place is making more assumptions (not necessarily wrong, but you provide it as truth), as is to assume his apartment is going to burn down and he needs to replace all of his wiring (as was provided by another rambling idiot). All of you idiots seem to be great at resolving electrical problems over the internet without pictures. How many times did I have to post/agree to get an electrician to look at it. That's why I never tried to give any solutions for what could be a hundred different things, only that his apartment isn't necessarily going to burn down or he needs to rip out wiring. Giving the wrong advice is much more dangerous than giving none, which is what I did other than an electrician. Such morons, having to point out useless degrees for what can be learned easily. Looking at some of your grows I am surprised you are even on here tbh. I am going to laugh when he comes back and says he didn't have to replace any wiring or knock out any sheetrock. I draw the line at being told to f off for no reason, keep it classy.
no time for your bs, just don't want someones house to burn down
Nice addition to OP thread, was very enlightening. Another useless alert from a troll, pretty sure you were one of the original flamers who piled on for nothing. Take a look at your earlier post, says enough about you and those liking you (the one, surprise).
Douche Bag Wins the Ignore Button!!! C-YA TOOL.
I have me dehumidifier on when my light is turned off and vise versa. When I plug anything 3 prong into the adjacent room, the power goes off in both rooms yet the breaker does not pop off, but interesting that the closet light in my grow room does not go out when this happens though. I will definitely need to call an electrican. Only 2 weeks from harvest as well..
Hot to ground short. How is this not flipping a breaker?