Im happy more people who have basic understanding are posting.
Anyone with a basic grasp of reality knows this is a fire hazard... but theres always a few dumbasses out there. @twagner23 , im talking about you.

Just glad he didn't rip down his sheet rock like you suggested. Keep it going man, I can go all day with your toxicity.
Just glad he didn't rip down his sheet rock like you suggested. Keep it going man, I can go all day with your toxicity.
Litterally nobody ever said to rip out the sheetrock. I questioned the wiring and said he should not be plugging grow equipment into it. I said he needs to use the 220 outlet, or get a electrition in there because its a fire hazard. Numerus other memebers have said the same thing. You need to calm the fuck down and stop thinking you know some shit when you clearly dont.
Litterally nobody ever said to rip out the sheetrock. I questioned the wiring and said he should not be plugging grow equipment into it. I said he needs to use the 220 outlet, or get a electrition in there because its a fire hazard. Numerus other memebers have said the same thing. You need to calm the fuck down and stop thinking you know some shit when you clearly dont.

Again, never claimed I knew anything or gave any suggestions to fix, just not to listen to you. Please man, I know its hard for you but READ! Telling me to calm down when you are literally stalking me and swearing all over the forums is really making sense here, lol.
Again, never claimed I knew anything or gave any suggestions to fix, just not to listen to you. Please man, I know its hard for you but READ! Telling me to calm down when you are literally stalking me and swearing all over the forums is really making sense here, lol.
Youve been talking shit and had a attitude. You could have stopped at any point. If you want to change your behavior and change the way you communicate youll find i can be a really nice guy. But if you want to talk shit to people with real experiance your going to be treated the the dumbass punk you act like.
Youve been talking shit and had a attitude. You could have stopped at any point. If you want to change your behavior and change the way you communicate youll find i can be a really nice guy. But if you want to talk shit to people with real experiance your going to be treated the the dumbass punk you act like.

You got all triggered, don't care about you just had to defend myself. I was done with this a while ago but you guys had to keep going, getting more and more toxic. If you are really going to get triggered over me saying you were possibly wrong then no thanks, you can take your "experiance" somewhere else lol. I never said anything until you started coming at me, simply for disagreeing. Look at the history again, and please learn how to spell experienced and other words properly.
You got all triggered, don't care about you just had to defend myself. I was done with this a while ago but you guys had to keep going, getting more and more toxic. If you are really going to get triggered over me saying you were possibly wrong then no thanks, you can take your "experiance" somewhere else lol. I never said anything until you started coming at me, simply for disagreeing. Look at the history again, and please learn how to spell experienced and other words properly.

Dude you need to fuck off. Just fuck right off. You got mad i pointed out obvious dangers. Just fuck right off.
Dude you need to fuck off. Just fuck right off. You got mad i pointed out obvious dangers. Just fuck right off.

Please show my post where I got "mad", while you just keep swearing and being toxic and stalking me. I only defended myself when you started going on and on. This is out of control.
Please show my post where I got "mad", while you just keep swearing and being toxic and stalking me. This is out of control.
"I NEED A SAFE SPACE" fuck outta here jesus christ. Id ask if your a child but i know you are since your on you first grow and dont understand electric
I have not deleted one post, now you are lying. Please provide proof of this, the only thing you will see is editing done to posts right after I posted them, as I usually do to add/correct things. Keep making things up for your argument to justify what you are doing and not get banned.
You two could take this private before you both get hit with the ban hammer. I mean shit guys...over a page of fucking bickering about nothing.
I dont really care if i get banned over this. Dudes trying to say this isnt a fire hazard an is shit talking the people who are saying it is. If i get banned for trying to keep someone safe then thats fine with me
You two could take this private before you both get hit with the ban hammer. I mean shit guys...over a page of fucking bickering about nothing.
He wouldn't stop, he is stalking me man. I even tried to ignore him but he has stalked me to my personal threads. I refuse to not defend myself from toxicity, and I will not get banned as I have not been toxic like he has, other than using the word idiot and moron to defend myself.
I dont really care if i get banned over this. Dudes trying to say this isnt a fire hazard an is shit talking the people who are saying it is. If i get banned for trying to keep someone safe then thats fine with me

Actually, no he didn't. He did say have somebody look at it, but he didn't really emphasize it that much and stated that he personally has had a similar issue that never amounted to anything other than relocating things.
Definitely need an electrician though if you want to add more power and get this resolved, I had the same exact situation as you and got an electrician to give me advice. I was just stating the obvious for why it wasn't working, which is what you wanted to know.
Actually, no he didn't. He did say have somebody look at it, but he didn't really emphasize it that much and stated that he personally has had a similar issue that never amounted to anything other than relocating things.

Finally, thank you for reading my posts. Never disagreed that something was wrong, just said it could be many things, agreed to get an electrician and gave my personal experience. When reading them, you will see I was pretty reasonable until the flaming started. All of a sudden I am being baited and asked if I am triggered, not sure what happened here.
Actually, no he didn't. He did say have somebody look at it, but he didn't really emphasize it that much and stated that he personally has had a similar issue that never amounted to anything other than relocating things.
The issue he had was not related to this issue the OP has. Read the whole thread and youll see they are very differant problems. Twagner had a gfi that was tripping. The OP has a breaker that is not tripping and outlets that are failing. Very very differant problems. The OP has a real fire hazard. Twagner then started talking shit because he simply doesnt understand whats going on. And because he doesnt understand, he doesnt think anyone else possibly could. This is a fire hazard, as pointed out by several other posters. No matter how many people point it out, he isnt backing down. Ive got zero issues telling him to fuck off. If i get banned i really dont care, ive been a member here for 8 years, theres nothing left for me to learn, if i get banned the only thing that changes is i wont help people. I come here periodically to waste time an fuck around. I can pull a 2 lb indoor plant without breaking a sweat so... ya.. being banned isnt a threat or a concern.
The issue he had was not related to this issue the OP has. Read the whole thread and youll see they are very differant problems. Twagner had a gfi that was tripping. The OP has a breaker that is not tripping and outlets that are failing. Very very differant problems. The OP has a real fire hazard. Twagner then started talking shit because he simply doesnt understand whats going on. And because he doesnt understand, he doesnt think anyone else possibly could. This is a fire hazard, as pointed out by several other posters. No matter how many people point it out, he isnt backing down. Ive got zero issues telling him to fuck off. If i get banned i really dont care, ive been a member here for 8 years, theres nothing left for me to learn, if i get banned the only thing that changes is i wont help people. I come here periodically to waste time an fuck around. I can pull a 2 lb indoor plant without breaking a sweat so... ya.. being banned isnt a threat or a concern.

See what I am dealing with here... it eventually all comes out. He simply didn't like me disagreeing with him because he has learned it all and turned it into this. Sorry OP your thread turned out this way, he won't stop calling people out and flaming them.
See what I am dealing with here... it eventually all comes out. He simply didn't like me disagreeing with him because he has learned it all and turned it into this. Sorry OP your thread turned out this way, he won't stop.
We are talking about a fire hazard. Its a real threat. It isnt "eventually coming out" ive been clear from the get go.
OK Fire Marshall Bill. We all get it. Now let it go. I and I'm sure others are sick to death of the fucking alerts over this stupid shit.
Your the kind of guy that just likes to talk. Glad you were able to decide that he has receptacle with stab connectors, good assumption from someone who isn't even an electrician.

Man, you really are stretching that degree of yours there with the philosophical thinking. I never called anyone stupid for "warning" that they might have a problem and should see an electrician to get it checked, you really have trouble reading (but thanks for making things up for your argument, again). I did respond to the original idiot who told him that his house was definitely going to burn down and he needed to rip out sheet rock, that was not helpful at all. Now idiots like you seem to be coming from everywhere. Again, all I said is don't make assumptions. You say if power goes off it must be building heat, but this is not true and if you really knew what you were talking about you would know this (it is possible, but not truth as you present it again). And then on top of that you somehow think knowing anything about electrical makes you a grower, these are growing forums and look at your posts. Ridiculous, I would be embarrased if I were here as long as you and had those grows. lmao. I really wish people would read rather than just being lazy. Since this thread started I have counted at least 6 different "suggestions" from you "electricians", from ripping out sheet rock to replacing $10 parts. Keep the great advice coming guys and don't confuse him or anything. Just keep giving him bad advice rather than just telling him to see an electrician. Again, never said nothing was wrong or don't check it, just don't listen to morons like you. You really are proving my point, so easy. I have to say it again because it is funny, look at your grows omg you should be embarrassed son.
Man. Don't you get it? You blew this all out of proportion. The op asked a question and some nice people gave him some advice.

No one was trying to freak the op out or be a dick. Just food for thought. Better safe than sorry.

Safety is a concern for me. I've worked around dangerous stuff all my life in the military and civilian sides. I've actually witnessed people die from the dumbest mistakes. I've seen people maimed for life.

Gfi outlets only protect against ground faults and are a man made product that can fail.

With power going out without tripping a breaker bothers me. Either its a weak breaker that's not tripping right and that's dangerous or its a thermal relay that resets. I don't think those are in residential boxes.

Either way they both build heat. Anytime you overload a circuit you create heat even if the breaker trips.

Nothing wrong with taking literally a couple minutes to inspect things. It won't hurt nothing.
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