Help!! Genuinely CONFUSED, what is going on?!

Im with you on this one , foliar feeding or spraying with water should do nothing at all before it would hurt them. Thats super confusing.
im looking closer now and i think something is locking the k out but i dont think its another food...... im thinking like xtsho now , it HAS to be too much water. Forget the folier feeding for now so it will get what it needs from the soil. This leads me to believe that exactly whats going on in one of my rooms. (under/over watering is NOT just a rookie happens to the best of us.)
you have a 100% chance that your issue is not ph.
the pH of the medium is off, likely too low. Grab a soil pH meter and feed collectively and the problem will go away. It is not bugs.
It wasn't PH related. It was most likely K- lockout due to cal-mag overfeeding. Even though we only added minimal amounts, most likely it built up over time. I mean you're only supposed to use that stuff when you need it, I almost never use it in my other grows. It's literally the only thing I've excluded from feeding since the last flush so it Must've been that.

My mate flushed them and they look better then ever, we're back on regular NPK feeding now; biobizz fish mix and root juice, switched to 12/12 last week and they seem to love it.. Much thanks for all participating in cracking this little enigma, back on track now! ^_^ LOL!

Best regards,



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Had the exact same problem... My cause was root rotting. I decided to change to normal water and decided to throw out the old mix and gosh that was a horrible smell. I had spoiled water and when i transplanted them into new soil the roots where yellowish which meant that they were rotting. Also if you sprayed the leaves, make sure you use CLEAN and i mean CLEAN sprayers. I used a empty windex bottle which wasnt properly cleaned and it completly burnt the leaves like that.

My advice is to just water with normal water, transplant them into fresh soil and let nature do its work, and yeah also check if your watering mix isnt spoiled