Help! Deficiency or light burn?


Hi guys,

Over the past few days I have been noticing these spots and discolouration of the leaves. I have moved them into my main room and turned the LEDs up to about 50% (4x 600w LEDs). They aren't too close but the plants got too big for my liking as I wasn't able to transfer them earlier

I am feeding house and garden coco and do feeding at pH 6
The lower parts of the plants are fine as well as areas that aren't under direct light.

I've tried to convince myself it's not light burn as the LEDs aren't up that high
Thoughts please?5B1A46FB-8C56-422B-85D1-CE91B2206AC1.jpeg053448D6-79B8-4D38-A354-567103123E5A.jpegBC2C51DA-8290-43A6-8860-5D5C3A91C5C1.jpeg1B37E5BA-82DF-4F90-939A-BD9E7369A07D.jpeg85D93F7D-FBBD-45A4-952E-F224117F80FF.jpeg
most of the time, that cupping of the edges is a sign of wind burn, but it can be from heat stress, or salt build up in your medium.
you said you're in coco, do you water till you get a little run off every time? you don't seem to be a beginner, so i'm guessing you just have a touchy plant, take it out of the flower room for a day, put it back in the veg area and see if that alleviates some of the problem. if it does, that plant is just a little delicate, maybe put it back in flower, but stick it back in a corner so it doesn't get quite so much light?
if it doesn't make a difference, then it's time to maybe flush it out and reset the ph (i stay at 5.75 in veg, 5.82 in flower)
Do you run h2o2? I recently came home from a 14 hr factory shift and sanitized my rez with 12% total strength h2o2 in a spray bottle (standard procedure unfortunately I don’t like my rez temp to be over 71° for more than 24 hours even with H202,I’ve had too many run-ins with the root rot) I was so tired I forgot to rinse it out before I filled it back up and made a fresh batch……. as I was watering the plant immediately startEd going limp and I remembered that I never rinsed it out she bounced back after a week I thought she wasn’t going to make it but I think she’s permanently damaged because the leaves on her look somewhat like the leaves on yours that’s why I asked if you run H2O2
That upward canoeing may be from the lights maybe out stress. I would try reducing the lights to 30% and increasing them daily 5 - 10% until you see they've gotten used to the lights.
Besides the leaf edges showing either wind burn, or heat stress (due to very little air circulating), what exactly are you feeding them?
House and garden Coco formula is and extremely weak formula if you read the bottle it’s only .3 and .1%….. other nutrient lines are hold decimal points cocotek advanced nutrients General hydroponics floral trin are all 3% plus…… The house and garden line there’s an amazing line i’m not dog sitting on them at all not even remotely because people have posted stuff on this website that will boggle your mind and they’re using that line however because of that formula you have to use the entire lineup you can’t just use the A and b………. When you’re talking 50 bucks a liter that’s a lot of money when you need to buy eight different bottles……. If you want to complete formula if you can find it get Cocotek, or Advanced nutrients…… also if you’re not running silica I highly highly highly highly suggest it that silica boosts their resistance to literally everything you can run into including heat stress drought wind burn pathogens root rot and pests…… it’s not a guarantee that you won’t have problems from any of those things I just listed but that silica when given on a daily basis highly increase how robust those plants are at bouncing back from fuck ups while also keeping fuck ups at day because now you have something in the Way that helps them
Going by the color of the leaves and there’s spots here and there I’d say you’re doing with deficiencies multiple ones at the same time which also makes them more susceptible to light burn and heat stress… I do have a few questions……. Since you’re running the Coco formula I assume you’re running Coco if so is it recirculating or drain to waste also are you running tapwater if so what’s your P PMs on that if not and you’re using reverse osmosis water are you supplementing with Cal Meg and buffering the ro water up to at least 150ppm with just the cal mag Before you add anything else to it?
Going by the color of the leaves and there’s spots here and there I’d say you’re doing with deficiencies multiple ones at the same time which also makes them more susceptible to light burn and heat stress… I do have a few questions……. Since you’re running the Coco formula I assume you’re running Coco if so is it recirculating or drain to waste also are you running tapwater if so what’s your P PMs on that if not and you’re using reverse osmosis water are you supplementing with Cal Meg and buffering the ro water up to at least 150ppm with just the cal mag Before you add anything else to it?
Running the full h&g range (A&B, roots, amino & multi)

Ways used h&g even with this same strain and pulled 20oz from one plant (which is the one I clones)

I did have a calcium or magnesium deficiency earlier in the plants life as well but that was when I changed nutrient line (long story) back to house and garden. Sorted it out for the most part, but now seeing this. To sort this I did suppliment with calmag first and then topped up with A&B to get to the required EC for that week

I am feeding week 1 of flower as just flipped them, I wanted to keep in veg longer, but they were too big

Tap water ppm doesn't register on my bluelab truncheon, so I'm guessing it's less than 200pm

Im not sure if this is still the tail end of the original deficiency?

Do I flush with pH water or?9CB38681-05AF-42BF-9131-EF234947310F.png