help co2

hi everyone. im trying to put a co2 system into my garden.
can u tell me if i can get away with just having timer and regulator?
can i still able to controll how much co2 im pushing out?


The regulator is what controls the amount of co2..A Co2 Monitor, monitors the ppm of co2 in the particular place. You will use mush less co2 if you use a monitor. If you only want to use the timer,regulator and tank then I would suggest getting a 20 dollar test kit and doing multiple tests throughtout the day the get a set timer schedule. Again, I got the monitor and believe me it pays for itself ...


Well-Known Member
I use CO2 pellets that you can buy from aquarium supply stores. Each 'alka seltzer', when put in half a cup of water, releases 350 CC of CO2 within a few minutes.

Its pretty cheap and easy to regulate. Thats just what i use.


Active Member
dude ,what about the spraying of leaves with seltzer water or club soda?does that work?is co2 that big of issue with say a 6x6room?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I am in the same position. Right now I am just venting some every few hours manually when I can in flower.

But I plan to get the hydro farm kit or a cheaper kit on eBay. It depends on the timer. If I use a 15 minute timer I co2 spew at .5 cubic feet every two hours to keep ppm at 1500. If I can a one minute timer I can vent at 10 cfh every two hours for 1 minute to keep at 1500.

I prob cant find a one mintue timer to work every two hours.

So I will buy the hydrofarm kit for 120 on eBay with all the fixings and vent 15 minutes with my standard timer every two hours. .5 will work fine.

Here is how I figured it out. you might have to look aroudn fro their co2 calculator. I cant get the hang of copying the page as a link sometimes.

I got my tank on craigs list for a song and it was filled. It was not in the farm and garden area where they are three times what I payed and empty. look around.

I can already see a diference in plant growth and water and nute uptake. I have also switcherd to a t5 for veg. I hope I can get one to work for flower. (here it is)

Co2 is easy.

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
It also helps to have supplemental cooling like an ac. At first I thought you need to have to have the window unit in the growspace, but why? I saw in another persons thread that they had only the cooling vent blowing in the garden and the intake and exhaust just heated up his garage. The window units are a lot cheaper than those split ac's.