Help choosing an LED replacement for 1000HPS?

The Home Depot Cree 100w equivalent 20w actual warm white bulbs are good for flowering but you will need like 30-40 to replace your 1000w HPS. They are about 1 dollar per watt.
Is SupraSPL American ? If not, maybe he can't get his bud tested like you do.
Hopefully he does get his medicine tested. Maybe he already has and he will post his results and make my posts irrelevant. And if he can't what qualifies him to even speak on the subject?
Im getting the feeling you've never had your buds tested. It would be great data if you post your results for us. You probably have never even walked into a testing lab. And yet you try and slam me on the forums. You don't know about tested buds. Your trying to blow your own horn and have never even had a bud tested. HAHAHAAHHA

That is correct, I have never had any buds lab tested. That has nothing to do with my ability to interpret greengenes or anyone elses lab results.

What qualifies me to speak on the subject of bud quality and HPS vs LED. I have been working hard for years testing almost 200 female genotypes empirically, multiple times by multiple people before I make a decision what is a keeper and what is not. Many of them have been run under HPS for years and have now been run under LED for years. Every single keeper does better under LED, not just a little bit but significantly better. The testers picked up on it without knowing a thing about the lights used. But, I said I was NOT willing to do a HPS/LED side by side and that is why I value and appreciate greengenes hard work and honesty.

I did not slam your buds. Maybe your HPS buds are better than my LED buds, but if that were true it still does not bring much useful data to the table. I do not have access to many clone onlys so I have to do the legwork on my own as best I can. Even if I had the best clone-only in the world with the highest THC ever tested, I would still keep seeking new varieties to maintain a rotation.

Yea Vegging times is a useless measurement for yielding plants. Your bull shitting people now and its not that cool.

Some of my ladies veg for 4-6 months, some veg for 7 weeks. They end up about the same size, in the same size container, yielding about the same. That may be news to you but that does not make it bullshit. I have vegged with 50-350 PPFD, huge difference in speed. You could veg with a 1000W HID in a 5X5 and increase PPFD to 625. That would be very wasteful but it would veg them even faster. So I would not recommend judging yield by vegging time, it proves nothing on its own.
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That is correct, I have never had any buds tested. What does that have to do with anything and when did I try to slam you or blpw my own horn? I get the feeling that you are not as objective as you believe in this discussion.

Some of my ladies veg for 4-6 months, some veg for 7 weeks. They end up about the same size, in the same size container, yielding about the same. What is bullshit about that?
You keep saying how much higher quality your flowers our compared to one who grows under an hps bulb. And thats a lie. You know how your talking down to me, something about a potato and a night light bulb. Pretty rude but hey what ever. And you know how I'm a super sensitive person, and your getting great joy seeing if I'm going to start crying or not. Do you treat all females this way?
You keep saying how much higher quality your flowers our compared to one who grows under an hps bulb. And thats a lie. You know how your talking down to me, something about a potato and a night light bulb. Pretty rude but hey what ever. And you know how I'm a super sensitive person, and your getting great joy seeing if I'm going to start crying or not. Do you treat all females this way?

you keep sounding like everyone stole your girlfriend.....its starting to get a bit old
So your gonna MANUALLY change the knobs/switches to replicate dawn till dusk cycle??? lol ......also NO far red ^^ on either of those options.............kinda important on flowering annuals imo:wink:

I wouldn't try to emulate a daily cycle, just a seasonal cycle. Even top tier lights seldom have far red. (or UVB)
you keep sounding like everyone stole your girlfriend.....its starting to get a bit old
Im a female bro. Foul mouth one to be exact. But not to you guys. Please stop quoting my posts. You and i are not even on the same level in the garden.
Personally I am impressed by his results but more importantly is the difference between the numbers, why dismiss that data? I am willing to type a bunch of words but I am not willing to hook up an HPS ever again, let alone to do a painstaking side by side. We've been running many of the same cuttings for years under both HPS and LED and quality has improved consistently, significantly and objectively. I like my buds to come to a clean sticky stinky finish in <60 days. Yields improved drastically and gpw has about tripled and headed for quadruple. I can use any light I want, if lights didnt matter Id simply use the cheapest and expect 35% THC by your metrics. If you are convinced that light doesnt matter then I recommend these babies
What's the PAR reading for that potato?:
I have started growing MJ 1 year ago but i smoke since ~1995. So i think i know good MJ when i smoke it but i really not am an expert in the grow part.
This great year i did have the chance to test LED (commercial and now DIY), HPS, MH, soil and now hydro (DWC). And i can say for me, the best results (for now) have been in soil under LED lights. That's really not scientific at all, just my opinion. I have nothing to sell to anyone, the MJ i grow is for my personal recreative use.

Peace. :)
Im a female bro. Foul mouth one to be exact. But not to you guys. Please stop quoting my posts. You and i are not even on the same level in the garden.
Im a female bro. Foul mouth one to be exact. But not to you guys. Please stop quoting my posts. You and i are not even on the same level in the garden.
Im a female bro. Foul mouth one to be exact. But not to you guys. Please stop quoting my posts. You and i are not even on the same level in the garden.
Im a female bro. Foul mouth one to be exact. But not to you guys. Please stop quoting my posts. You and i are not even on the same level in the garden.
Im a female bro. Foul mouth one to be exact. But not to you guys. Please stop quoting my posts. You and i are not even on the same level in the garden.
Im a female bro. Foul mouth one to be exact. But not to you guys. Please stop quoting my posts. You and i are not even on the same level in the garden.

You keep saying how much higher quality your flowers our compared to one who grows under an hps bulb. And thats a lie. You know how your talking down to me, something about a potato and a night light bulb. Pretty rude but hey what ever. And you know how I'm a super sensitive person, and your getting great joy seeing if I'm going to start crying or not. Do you treat all females this way?

You are right, I know that a bud cannot truly be judged by looking at a picture. I have come across buds that looked phenomenal but consistently test poorly and I had to let them go. The stinkiest buds I have ever come across were Sage n Sour and they don't look too great. The potato pic was in response to the comment that lights don't matter and is an inside joke in the LED forum because we are a bunch of geeks (nerds that get stuff done).

Anyway, in my experience LEDs buds get a nice quality bonus, but I do recognize that well grown HPS buds can be absolutely awesome, especially when heat is in check. Many of my friends are still using HPS with great cuttings and as long as they are organic grown I would smoke them anytime. I have never seen your bud pics that I can recall mongo and I am not trying to down yours.

An example of a deceiving picture, LED grown HSO Trainwreck with dense nugs, dense trichome forest but it had to let it go due to mediocre test reports
IMG_0127c TW.jpg
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Lol it seems almost every thread I read in this forum always get side railed at some point and veers completely off topic. Can't we all just get along ladies & gents ? :peace:

And getting back on topic I've looked into Optic and their lights look decent, not very attractive but they will do the job and do it well.

I've also been following a few DIY grow lights in this forum and see some good stuff. I think I could get it done if I study a bit an learn, and that's if I can get all the parts I need here in SA.
Lol it seems almost every thread I read in this forum always get side railed at some point and veers completely off topic. Can't we all just get along ladies & gents ? :peace:

And getting back on topic I've looked into Optic and their lights look decent, not very attractive but they will do the job and do it well.

I've also been following a few DIY grow lights in this forum and see some good stuff. I think I could get it done if I study a bit an learn, and that's if I can get all the parts I need here in SA.
Digi-key or Mouser can supply all you need. If they sell in SA, you're all set.
Ya this topic HPS vs LED is one of the most controversial issues, which is good in some ways. Mongos question in post 97 (how light affects quality) is an important one and hard to answer. There is anecdotal evidence and bias on both sides and only a limited amount of solid data (eg greengenes blue dream) that needs to be repeated by others to establish confidence. So we need more experimentation and sharing of data, sounds like a good time to me.

I think you will be happy with either of those choices DJW. If we estimate your 1000 HPS at 800 PPFD averaged when brand new/perfectly clean and you shoot for ~750 PPFD averaged with LED, I expect you will see improved results in terms of yield in your space and a large reduction of heat (366W vs 585W of heat in the case below)

Using Optic an example, 4 of the Vero29 200 units would give you 632 dissipation W @ 42% efficiency -10% lens loss = 239 PAR W = 15 PAR W/ft² = 740 PPFD.