Help asap please


New Member
Hey everyone

My flowering schedule is lights on at 7 a.m likghts off 7 pm.....but today I forgot to replicate my timer doing work and the lights got left on for 18 hours of light tonight once. Happened day 40 of flower....not looking for multiply guessing answers only the right answer if you know how to assist. do I go back to my usually 12/12 time tomorrow and start them at 7 a.m as usual or do I give them 12 hours dark and start them at 1 tomorrow and off at 7 and then go back to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Put them in the dark until you can start your next light cycle at your normal time-at 7am. Its ok for them to have a longer night cycle


Well-Known Member
Go back to your “usually 12/12 time” as you stated, you are in day 40 so it’ll work out fine.


New Member
Already did gracias!!! Thanks for your time and neighbor gave me a xanax last night for my walking dead episode he said it would relax me and I wanted to see what all the hype was about I took it, fell asleep missed the episode, woke up my timer was unplugged the room light was on and my lights were plugged into the wall not timer and all my cloning equipment was all over the floor of my flowering room when it's usually kept in the closet of the other room where I veg/mothers/clone....I dunno wtf happened or remember anything never again f those things I figured I'd of been ok because I see him do them all the time? Never again! I remember nothing and missed my show and to top it off my poor Sour Bubble babies in flower took the brunt of the situation because of me and when I woke up last night and realized everything and typed this I had a mean headache and woke up again this morning still with the headache and it took some fruit and my daily workout to make it go away. People stay away from that stuff unless you medically need it!