help/advice needed - T5/CFLs and LED


Hi all, second grow, plants just into week 2 now and switching from 24W propagation T5 to a 125w blue CFL. On my first grow I kept my T5s on them up until week 4 LOL

My problem is, being autoflowers, I have (this time round) planted them in their final 15L autopot containers already, rather than smaller pots to transplant up.

I have a 125W eco-light with a enviro-gro reflector. This takes up the entire length of my 60x60x140 grow tent. Last grow, when the pots were smaller, the two pots both fitted directly under the light with no problems and both received a good amount of light. However, with these much bigger pots now, it appears that neither plant is now directly under the CFL - one is nearly, and the other one is in the shade under the 'socket' bit of the reflector, where the bulb screws in (I hope this makes sense, I'm high) . I can provide pictures if needed. Temps are also shooting to 28/29c inside the reflector when it's lowered, as I didn't put enough coco in the containers and thus the plant is sitting too low in the container. Lessons learnt I guess.

Does this matter a great deal? I was planning on having them under it for a week to ten days, and then switch to my dormgrow 240W LED. During this time I could switch the plants every morning so that they take it in turns to be under the light? Would the plant in the shade still be receiving light through the reflectors? Would this be recommended, or should I try something different? Abandon the CFL idea?

