Help a dude out


Well-Known Member
ok well i plan on running 24/0 for 3-4 days then buy a timer and change to 18-6, does that sound good?
there is no reason to change the timing because either will work. You wont need lights off really until you want to flower and that is at least a month away with dirt.

2ndly its tupperware lol


CFL's are what I use. Get the most powerful bulbs you can find. I'd start out with 6500k for the growth period, and switch to 2700k for the flowering period. Put them as close to the plants as possible without burning them. CFL's don't put out much heat, so you can probably get them within an inch. Note: CFL's put out more light when placed vertically as opposed to horizontally. But you really need to spend hours, and days doing research on this stuff. ALL the information you are asking for is right here at nutes, soils, lighting, everything. This is a labor of love and a passion for those here.. it is an art-form... not something that can be placed in a single post.


Well-Known Member
great pik!!

but i use a 24-0 ONLY on clones tho.

for veg i use 18-6, and of course 12-12 for flower.


Well-Known Member
man idk how to get it that low... i dont have a legit cold air intake and exhaust i just have a fan inside with the lid cracked


New Member
dude growing weed is easy ,you just need big pots ,soil and light.I'm growing 2 plants in my closet ,with just those things ,my light is only a 200 w cfl and i don't even have afan ,but while they may not be great compared to how they could be if i had the right stuff ,they look healthy and i am satisfyed for a first grow.


Well-Known Member
If you're really worried about the temps that much; how about just taking away a light i dont think you really need that much light in the EARLY stages but im also PReeety high right now


Well-Known Member
alright I got my temps down to 84-86, now.. around how many weeks should I run 24/0 lighting, I feel like they need some darkness because I was told that is whenever the roots grow are at night. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
my roots seem to grow on 24 hr light. I don't use anything but. I would veg a min of 3 weeks. Depends on how big you want them to finish.


buy some books from jorge cervantes and get cozy heh. have fun, hell help you learn loads. or just read around this forum, much knowledge here


Well-Known Member
One of the best tips was given by Ed Rosenthal...hell they named strain of weed after him..he said where you find tall weeds has to have soil that is good for grow....I do not remember him going into any details other than you only want the top 5 inches. What you do next is what the people that make a living off of top soil do: cook it to 180 kills seeds, mites, ect....but does not kill the benificial bacteria. As far as light goes stay away from any asshole company that is willing to sell LED... the people who use that crap have shit for brains. CFL are a good buy but you want a bulb in the 6000K range, if you find 5000K that is good enough. What I tell the store help is that I want to take indoor pictures with a natural light look to they have a 30W that produces 2000 lumes at 6000K. for 4.58 each. At 66 lumens a watt the 30W is the best is only downhill after that, unless you want to bake a turky with one of those big ass bulbs you can buy on Ebay (ground 0 for all that is crap). Fucking Ebay..bought a temp. control device and burned a $100+ pot of beans.


Well-Known Member
why is this plant dying? It is in good soil, watered once or twice a day, under 40w 5000k cfl light bulbs.
