

Wait! We'll do that aye? Everytime someone refers to a mix of any kind of potting mix and perlite, they can refer to it as Dribbles Danky Dirt. It's exactly the same principle as a Hempy Bucket, and every bit as stupid ;)


Well-Known Member
Its just what things become referred to...and it sticks becasue thats how it became a house hold name in the indoor community in the last decade, hempy himself says he is not the creator and takes no credit but he make the most viewed post about it bro,

Just like nugbuckets and mainling, it could of been done everywhere before, but he documented that shit into a nice easy to ready thread on how he executes and he just calls it mainline, cuz it resembles a little chevy block at times. And now majority people call it mainlining

Uncle bens topping technique you think he is the only and first who thought of that, he knows and we all know he didn't, he just executes it very well made it work for him and then shared it with everyone and now its called the uncle ben technique or whatever.

...And so may other thread LEARNING and EDUCATING threads, and you complain about, oh boo hoo waaa hempy humpy my feelings are hurts its just a bucket....yeah we know dude, a bubble ponics system is a tub of water with oxygen flowing through, should we just break every little thing down.... so relax ya mind, let ya body be free... rant over

Thanks, I still got love for you dribbles

dribbles... see the doctor that could be an issue my man...



Know what shits me is, I actually thought these "Hempy Buckets" were some uber new commercially available pots of some kind. Imagine my dissapointment, when I realized it was just a bucket of hydro mix. /sigh


Well-Known Member
Why on earth is it called a "Hempy Bucket"? .. It's just a plastic bucket filled with hydro mix.

Isn't it a bit stupid to try and claim ownership of a common passive-feed bucket of mix with a hole in the bottom? People been filling buckets with mixes of all kinds since plastic buckets were invented, don't go acting like it's someones *brain-child* or the idea somehow belongs to some self-declared growing-god when people been doing that shit for at least 40 years.

Fuck, Ed Rosenthal's *1970's * editions told us all about passive hydro like that, and I'm quite sure plastic buckets with holes and hydro-mix were around well before that. Since the 50's I'll wager.

"Hempy Bucket" gimme a fuckin break bro. 8)
ok so what should we call it then?


Well-Known Member
Buh. Cound call it a fukin passive-feed hydro pot, cos, that's what it *is* yknow?

No shit, its cannabis, but names are diff all over

but i hear marijuana, weed, herb, ganja, dope, green, high grade, dro, mids

So it could be dtw, passive hydro pot, hempy, dicky, cunty i dont care LMAO

So yeah i hear what ya saying, just hear what im saying, you got mad for no reason or care for no reason, take that awesome energy and focus it on some better awesome topic bro



Okay now I'm kickin 100 highly informative, and 100% helpful posts, gimme rep, kthx.

Think of me like a rep-chux-super-wipe, and your rep is the liquid funk I need to suck up.

hit me with it /clap hands ..