

New Member
I am new to the indoor cultivation community. I would like to start my first small grow. I have a 2'x1'x2.5' cab and would like to get something out of it. All i have right now is three 26watt 6500k CFL's, two 42watt 2700k CFL's, A 15amp surge protected power strip, a 4" pc fan (already mounted, blows 65CFM's), a thermometer with humidity gauge, and emergency blanket taped up. The cab is light proof, i havent decided to go soil or hydro yet, im almost completely persuaded on cloning. I would like to know if any of you guys would have some suggestions for me.


Personally I feel as a new grower to start off with soil, once I understand the plant better I will probably move away from soil. It's just easier and it's one thing less to worry about generally. And it's cheaper in my country to use soil and that's always a big plus for me at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Personally I feel as a new grower to start off with soil, once I understand the plant better I will probably move away from soil. It's just easier and it's one thing less to worry about generally. And it's cheaper in my country to use soil and that's always a big plus for me at the moment.
You would think that, but hempy is effort less IMHO, and out performs soil any day for its size, put it this way... a 2 gallon hempy could grow as much as a 5-7 gallon soil. I have no ph problems, root rot, no nute/salt build up. its said you cant over water a hempy. a lot of soil beginners first mistake to kill their seedlings...perlite is cheap thats all you need my friend...



Well-Known Member
So the hempy buckets have your attention, but you're still not sure exactly how everything works? Lets go ahead and do a minor tutorial in an effort to establish exactly what a hempy bucket really is. These pictures below were borrowed from JessE's album over at mrnice.nl.

So the first step of the hempy buckets is to have rooted clones or seedlings.

Here we have the clones, perlite and vermiculite. All the material you're going to need to set up the hempy buckets initially.



A bucket(3 gallons will usually do the trick)

Wetting the perlite before handling to avoid dust kick ups. Recommended to do the same thing to the vermiculite as well.

Adding the perlite. Add 3 parts of perlite for every 1 part of vermiculite.

And the vermiculite making its way into the mix. Be sure to mix both mediums together each time you do an initial 3:1 ratio.

Repeat the process until your container is full.

Punch a hole on the side of your bucket, around 2 inches from the bottom of the bucket.

Ok time to add your rooted clone or seedlings.

Just place them right under the surface.

So now lets go over the feeding schedule. You will want to have a good hydroponic based nutrient formula. Below are General Hydroponics products.

An empty gallon jug to mix the nutrients in.

Follow the directions on the back your fertilizer on how to mix the nutrients according to the plants life cycle needs.

Add the indicated amounts of each part of your feeding routine to the jug by following the directions on the back of the bottles/containers.

Fill the entire gallon up with water after mixing your nutrients.

Now feeding time. Generally you will feed the plants every 2-3 days, although some prefer to feed them every day. You should feed the plants at full strength from the beginning, as according to hempys directions. All you have to do is follow the basic outline hempy outlined and success will follow.

The run off from the bucket

And an idea of how the plants perform in the hempy buckets



You would think that, but hempy is effort less IMHO, and our performs soil any day for its size, put it this way... a 2 gallon hempy could grow as much as a 5-7 gallon soil. I have no ph problems, root rot, no nute build up. its said you cant over water a hempy. a lot of soil beginners first mistake to kill their seedlings...perlite is cheap thats all you need my friend...

Good info man, I will defiantly look into this method after my first grow, mine are already in pots and I am in a testing phase, I say that to myself to feel better, lol.


Freejeffgoldbloom, I remember now why I didn't look at this method initially, to find this stuff in South Africa is a mission of note, you can get but it costs us a fortune. Excellent post mate, pictures are a lot of help. Subscribing to this thread for reference later.


Well-Known Member
Fjg, thanks for the hempy bucket info. I have heard others talk about it but never looked into the method. I like the idea of less bugs for sure!

Op, I would also suggest looking into soil ammendments (if you choose soil). Take a look in the organics forum. Adding things like Dolomite lime, epsom salt, and some perlite for drainage will make things easier.


Why on earth is it called a "Hempy Bucket"? .. It's just a plastic bucket filled with hydro mix.

Isn't it a bit stupid to try and claim ownership of a common passive-feed bucket of mix with a hole in the bottom? People been filling buckets with mixes of all kinds since plastic buckets were invented, don't go acting like it's someones *brain-child* or the idea somehow belongs to some self-declared growing-god when people been doing that shit for at least 40 years.

Fuck, Ed Rosenthal's *1970's * editions told us all about passive hydro like that, and I'm quite sure plastic buckets with holes and hydro-mix were around well before that. Since the 50's I'll wager.

"Hempy Bucket" gimme a fuckin break bro. 8)


Everything ok dribbles? I get your point though but does it matter in the bigger scheme of things?


I'm uncool about taking a public-domain bucket of mix with a hole and labelling it, pretentious is the word immediately comes to mind.

As I said, it's most likely been around as long as perlite and plastic buckets, and sure as shit wasn't nothin to do with anyone called Humpy.


Like me throwing some perlite in dirt and callin it "Dribbles Danky Dirt" fark me how stupid would that be? 8)

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Im about invent this new way Of growing guys
I cant reveal to much at this time all u can say is its going to require
A pot with drainage holes a medium and some nutes its going to be some cutting edge shit!